Supplemental Coursework

Each student will work closely with their  Academic Advisor and Research Mentor to create an individually designed plan of study that will enable the student to acquire the additional skills and knowledge to conduct research in their area of interest. The equivalent of 9 credits (3 regular term courses) is the minimum requirement for the supplemental coursework, but the actual number of courses/credits can exceed this minimum and will be determined for each individual student in consultation with their  Academic Advisor and Research Mentor. Supplemental coursework will typically be comprised of selected courses at other institutions in the Boston Area as well as specifically designed/focused Independent Studies (RS-990, see next section) with faculty members who have expertise in the area(s) of interest. A Supplemental Coursework Form (template available on the PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Teams) is completed in collaboration with the Research Mentor and Academic Advisor and submitted to the Executive Committee for review via the Supplemental Course Plan Submission Form, typically before the end of the second semester of study (Spring of Year 1). All supplemental coursework can be taken for letter grade or as Pass/Fail. It is the responsibility of the Academic Advisor to present the Supplemental Coursework Plan to the program’s Executive Committee for approval. Frequently, revisions may be requested by the PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Executive Committee for resubmission and further consideration. Once approved, the Plan can be updated as needed in collaboration with the Academic Advisor and Research Mentor. A revised Supplemental Coursework Plan detailing changes from the original plan and the rationale for changes should be submitted to the Executive Committee via the Supplemental Course Plan Submission Form and presented by the Academic Advisor for approval. If courses are taken outside of institutes with which the IHP has course sharing agreements, the cost of tuition will be the responsibility of the student (see Transfer courses).