4.4 The Clinical Externship year
Beginning in July of the third year of the program, students will participate in a full-time clinical externship experience with a certified audiologist. The student is responsible for applying and securing an externship from available positions within the US. Once a position has been secured, the Institute will make all the necessary contractual arrangements with the externship facility, provide liability insurance through the externship year, track the student’s progress, and archive clinical contact hours and evaluations. The contract will specify the dates and duration of the externship experience (e.g., 12 months), This allows the student to complete the externship experience early when the minimum number of patient contact hours (1820) is reached prior to the Spring semester.
All externs are required to attend a weekly professional seminar with IHP faculty and other students in their cohort. At the end of the externship experience, the Director of Clinical Education at IHP will verify that the student’s training is complete and that they are eligible for graduation and licensure in MA.