Special Education Administrator Approval

Individuals who earn the Type 75 Administrative Certificate are eligible for the Administrator Approval by meeting the following state requirements:

  • Administrative Certificate (Type 75)
  • Master’s degree
  • Required courses (30 SH distributed among these areas)

Introduction to Exceptional Children and Adolescents/Special Education

SPE500Introduction to Exceptional Children and Adolescents/Special Education

Special Methods Course in Three Areas of Exceptionality

SPE507Social/Emotional Development and Teaching and Support

SPE509Clinical Literacy

SPE527Individualized Curriculum and Instruction

SPE523Diagnosis and Remediation of Math Disabilities/Special Education

SPE502Language Development and Challenges in Children and Adolescents

SPE542Methods of Teaching Students with Moderate to Severe Mental Handicap

Educational Psychological Diagnosis and Remedial Techniques

SPE501Educational and Diagnostic Assessment of Exceptional Children and Adolescents

Guidance and Counseling

EPS520Theories and Practice of Guidance and Counseling

Administration and Supervision of Programs for Exceptional Children and Adolescents

SPE561Administration and Supervision of Programs for Exceptional Children and Adolescents