Policy on Student Disciplinary Hearing and Appeals System

The formal responsibility for student discipline has been delegated to the Executive Director of Student Affairs. This includes:

  1. Administering the regulations of the University.
  2. Counseling students involved in disciplinary matters.
  3. Coordinating the judicial procedures.
  4. Processing communication and maintaining a central file of disciplinary actions.


National Louis University focuses attention on the development of a student’s potential by encouraging self-discipline, fostering a respect for the rights of others, and encouraging cooperation with the regulations of the University. Therefore, the disciplinary process provides opportunity for students to:

  1. Reassess those aspects of their personal behavior that necessitated disciplinary action.
  2. Increase their awareness of the expectations that the campus community holds.
  3. Accept responsibility for modifying their behavior to better meet these responsibilities.
  4. Continue their education and development through their discipline experience.

Such a program requires a positive regard for the welfare of the individual student and a rational commitment to resolving disciplinary situations in a constructive and educational manner. However, when a student deliberately disregards the regulations of the campus community, sanctions will be imposed as an expression of the community’s interest in achieving a positive living and learning environment.


Please visit the National Louis University Policy Handbook to read the full policy and procedures.