ECE 300 Strategies for Supervision and Staff Development

This course focuses on the human relations side of administrating early childhood programs. It analyzes the objectives and functions of supervision and presents guidelines for recruiting, hiring, training, and evaluating a diverse staff. Participants will examine conceptual models for understanding job satisfaction and the career stages through which practitioners progress and explore various individual and organizational strategies for promoting optimal performance. The use of technology and media in supervision and staff development is also included. Opportunities for participants to apply models of supervision and staff development in their respective educational settings will be provided. This course may be used as an elective in the Undergraduate Early Childhood Practice Program. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 301 Understanding Infant & Toddler Development

Candidates will explore the overall development of children ages 0-3 through the developmental continuum, biological and environmental factors, culture and the context of the family, temperament, and attachment. Concepts related to infant/toddler mental health will be explored as well as the impact of responsive caregiving, primary caregiving, continuity of care, early brain development research and other topics related to recent trends in infant/toddler growth and development. Discussion of the needs for typically and atypically developing children will be included, as well as considerations for multilingual children and families. 10 observation hours are required. Pre-requisite(s): Junior Standing or prior approval by ECE or ECP Program Coordinator. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


ECE 302 Planning for Quality Infant/Toddler Programs

Key components of developing and maintaining programs for children ages birth to three will be explored. Examination of the Infant-Toddler Environmental Rating Scale, state regulations (licensed centers and family child care), accreditation standards, quality improvement rating systems, credentialing and other resources will be addressed. The unique health and safety needs of children ages birth to three will be discussed, as will supporting the diverse need of families with children ages birth to three (children with special needs, multilingual homes and diverse family structures), especially in the context of developing family friendly policies and program options. 10 hours of field experience required. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


ECE 303 The Early Care & Education Administrator as Advocate

This course builds competency for successful advocacy on behalf of children, families, and practitioners in the field. Participants learn a systematic approach that includes understanding and researching an issue, preparing materials and organizing meetings, and strategic follow up reinforcing outcomes. Advocacy organizations, local collaborations, and community system building will be reviewed for inclusive and cost-effective services for children and families. Students will learn about the current policy landscape and advocacy efforts needed to ensure families have access to high quality child care and learning experiences for young children. Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 305 Organizational Theory, Group Dynamics, and Leadership Applications

Using Systems Theory as an integrating paradigm, this course is designed to deepen participants’ awareness of how they affect and are affected by others in different group situations. Personal assessment is continuous throughout the course as students examine different ways of working effectively in groups as both leader and group member. Topics include an analysis of leadership style, cross-cultural communication, and an assessment of organizational climate in the context of early childhood programs. Opportunities are provided for participants to apply the concepts of organizational theory, group dynamics, and models of leadership in their respective educational settings. This course may be taken as an elective in the Undergraduate Early Childhood Practice Program. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 307 ECE/Workshop/Administration/Leadership Connections

This course engages participants in a structured opportunity to use knowledge gained from attendance at Leadership Connections to inspire and document program improvements. Participants will reflect on the knowledge, experience, and insight gained from the conference. These reflections will promote program-wide quality improvement actions that are aligned with the Illinois Director Credential. Conference activities include attendance at sessions related to leadership competencies. Post-conference activities include reflections, quality improvement plans, documentation portfolios, and project work within a competency domain. This course fosters a community of program administrators working to create cultures of continuous quality improvement. Pre-requisite(s): None 3 quarter hours


ECE 308 Writing for Early Childhood Professionals

This course is designed for people working in the early care and education field to assist them in gaining the skills and confidence needed to be successful in written communication both as students and as professionals working with families, colleagues and other stakeholders in the field. Participants will learn how to increase the readability, emphasis, and appeal of emails, newsletters letters, memos, reports, handbooks, and promotional literature. A review of grammar, APA format and professional college level writing will also be included. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 quarter hours


ECE 311 Administration I: Leadership Strategies and Staff Development

In this course participants examine their leadership role in their early childhood programs and are introduced to a model of facilitative leadership as a way to empower staff to support shared decision making. Participants identify effective employment practices that will help them find and keep the right people for available jobs and their organizations. Participants are introduced to a comprehensive model for supervising staff and promoting their ongoing professional development based on recognizing and appreciating individual differences. Participants develop and practice the necessary skills to nurture a positive work climate that promotes peak performance. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 312 Administration II: Managing Center Operations and Finance

In this course participants learn about the components of effective management including: systems and the importance of systems thinking; stakeholder analysis and management; the strategic planning process; how policies, procedures, and systems are interconnected; and tools for taking charge of program operations. Participants understand how to manage a fiscally responsible early childhood business and be introduced to effective budgeting and accounting. Participants develop the skills needed to promote a positive public image. Participants learn how to create environments that welcome and support the learning of children and adults, as well as promote their health and safety. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 313 Administration III: Implementing and Evaluating the Program

In this course participants learn to support young children's development and learning by understanding the interactive environment, the advantages of different groupings and staffing patterns, and continuity of care. Participants learn how to implement developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum and the importance of observation and child assessment in achieving program goals. Participants explore the early childhood administrator's role in creating family partnerships, promoting an appreciation of diversity, and nurturing open communication. Participants explore importance of program evaluation and learn how to implement continuous quality improvement - the leadership practice of assessing needs, defining desired outcomes, developing an action plan, and evaluating effectiveness. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 321 Curriculum in Infant/Toddler Programs

This course examines curricular models and instructional materials that foster the development of infants and toddlers. Strategies for administering and managing infant and toddler learning environments are examined. Current theoretical perspectives in relation to curriculum will be explored. 10 field hours required. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


ECE 322 Developing Early Childhood Programs

This course will examine issues in program development in child care centers, preschools, and family child care homes. Attention is paid to issues of diversity and accommodation of special needs as part of a coherent and consistent guiding philosophy and practice. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of advisor. 2 quarter hours


ECE 324 Integrated Preprimary Methodology in Early Childhood Education

Candidates in this course will apply theory, materials, and the Illinois State Board of Education Early Learning Standards for teaching language arts, literacy, art, music/movement, math, science, social studies, health, and safety to instructional methods for children ages three to five. Play and the active and constructive nature of learning will be emphasized. An integrated unit, addressing all content areas, will be developed. Current research and Internet will be used as resources. Fifteen pre-clinical hours will be collected as part of the required field experience for this course. Pre-requisite(s): ECE 205, EPS 300, TIE 300, current TB test and background check required. Co-requisite(s): None. 4-5 quarter hours

4 TO 5

ECE 326 Administration of Early Childhood Programs

This course provides an overview of the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and administer an early care and education facility. This course explores management and leadership skills, program and facility development including: licensing, organizational structure, policy development, finances, personnel, families, marketing, program evaluation and other related topics. Students examine different styles of management and identify the methods and strategies that contribute to effective management. The course covers management tasks including program planning, people management, program evaluation, management of supplies and equipment, development, and managing and monitoring financial resources. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of advisor. 5 quarter hours


ECE 335 Best Business Practices in Family Child Care

Participants will examine the components of a high-quality family child care enterprise through the lens of a business owner and educator. Participants will have an opportunity to develop a family child care business or quality improvement plan aligned with their mission statement, cultivate healthy environments for children and families, explore advocacy skills and techniques for creating a professional image, and pursue standards aligned with the national family child care Administration Scale and self-reflection and/or evaluation of a family child care program. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 336 Best Practices in Early Childhood Education for Infants and Toddlers and Families

This seminar course focuses on "best practices" for young children and their families in early care and education programs. Students examine how "best practice" is determined, cultural and historical influences on best practice, institutionalization of best practice by accreditation, licensure, and legislation, and the role of the teacher or caregiver in establishing and promulgating best practice in a variety of early childhood environments. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or instructor approval. 5 quarter hours


ECE 337 Ethics and Professionalism in Early Childhood Education

The purpose of this course is to assist students in developing a detailed ethical framework that will guide their actions while working with children, families, schools and organizations. Areas of emphasis include: an introduction to some of the main theoretical issues in ethics, an examination of moral problems often encountered in the early childhood context (e.g. confidentiality, discrimination, diversity, etc.) and an exploration of some of the moral theories and practices in today's schools and child care centers, especially from the perspectives of Kohlberg and Gilligan. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or instructor approval. 5 quarter hours


ECE 340 Positive Guidance in Early Childhood Environments

This course is an introduction to providing age appropriate and positive guidance to young children in a variety of early childhood settings. An emphasis will be made on ways practitioners can encourage prosocial behaviors through understanding social and emotional development, emerging sense of self and self-esteem as well as ages and stages of development in the context of appropriate behaviors at each age range for individual children within group care. Early childhood theoretical foundations will be explored as well as the role of family, environment, curriculum, culture and considerations for children who have special needs. 10 field hours required. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


ECE 345 Curriculum, Differentiation, and Assessment

This is an introductory course for the pre-service early childhood candidate to learn basic theories about curriculum, differentiation, and assessment as they relate to developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood instruction. Candidates will learn specific ways to organize curriculum, differentiation strategies, and assessment techniques. Candidates will apply best practices for curriculum, differentiation, and assessment across all disciplines including English/ language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Ten hours of observation in a K-2 setting is required as part of this course. Prerequisite(s): EPS 300, TIE 300, ECE205. Co-requisite(s): Admission to the National College of Education. 5 quarter hours


ECE 350 Early Childhood Education: Pre-Primary Practicum Field Experience

Candidates apply what they have learned about early childhood practices by identifying effective strategies used to plan, implement, and assess instruction, guide children, and manage classrooms. They demonstrate their professionalism by planning, implementing, and assessing whole group, small group, and individual instruction, under the guidance of a master teacher in a preprimary setting for at least three hours a day for nine weeks. Candidates who have had a previous, supervised preprimary experience must have a portfolio review to determine if this component may be waived, in which case they would register for seminar and complete 25 hours in a preprimary classroom as part of their seminar requirements. Prerequisite(s): Admission to NCE, Completion of EPS 300, ECE 205, ECE 220, LAE 307, ECE 210, TIE 300 ECE 215; current TB test and background check required. Co-requisite(s): ECE 351. 2 quarter hours


ECE 351 Early Childhood Education: Pre-Primary Practicum Seminar

Candidates will apply what they have learned about early childhood practices by identifying effective strategies used to plan, implement, and assess instruction, guide children, and manage classrooms. They will demonstrate their professionalism by planning, implementing, and assessing instruction for individual students, small groups and the whole group, under the guidance of a master teacher in a preprimary setting for at least three hours a day for nine weeks. Candidates who have had a previous supervised preprimary experience register for this seminar and will be required to complete 135 hours in a preprimary classroom as part of their seminar requirement. Prerequisite(s): Admission to NCE, Completion of EPS 300, ECE 205, ECE 220, LAE 307, ECE 210, TIE 300, ECE 215, current TB test and background check required. Co-requisite(s): ECE 350. 3 quarter hours