Dress Code Enforcement

Instructors will enforce the dress code in all Culinary and Hospitality classes. Instructors have the final decision making authority to determine whether or not a student’s dress meets the dress code policy. First offenses will result in a conversation between instructor and student. Second offenses will be reported to the dean or program director and the Associate Director of Student Development. Third offenses will result in one of the following sanctions:

  • Inability to participate in course
  • Loss of participation points
  • Lowering of final grade by one letter grade

Students with multiple offenses will be referred to the Associate Director of Student Development and may face additional sanctions.

In the case when an instructor requires formal business attire and a student is not in compliance, the student will not be permitted to participate in class regardless of the number of offenses. Staff and faculty will also enforce the dress code policy when students are not in class. All dress code policy violations that occur outside of the classroom will be reported to the Associate Director of Student Development and students may be asked to leave the building. Students with multiple offenses may face sanctions.