SPE 300 Introduction to Special Education and Methods of Teaching Students with Disabilities

This course focuses on characteristics, identification, and initial methods of instruction for cross-categorical P-21 students who receive special education services. Emphasis is on historical, philosophical, psychological, legal, and pedagogical implications and issues pertaining to P-21 special education. Candidates develop and implement inclusive, differentiated curricular design, planning and instructional methods for P-21 students with high- and low- incidence disabilities based upon consideration of the impact that disabilities have on how students differ in approaches to learning. Candidates learn how to provide inclusive instructional opportunities and supports adapted to strengths and needs of diverse learners, drawing on knowledge of the discipline, students, community, and curriculum goal(s). Fifteen field hours required. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


SPE 330 Assistive and Instructional Technology

Candidates will develop knowledge of assistive and instructional technology from a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) perspective and as defined by state and federal regulations. A variety of assistive technology devices and services will be introduced, developed, and evaluated within larger contextual frameworks of classrooms, schools, and communities to facilitate communication, learning and empowerment. The course will include hands-on and virtual examination of various instructional and assistive technologies developed or adapted specifically for students with disabilities. Ten hours in an appropriate setting are required for this course. Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours