School Psychology, Ed.S. - Florida

The NLU Tampa program is designed for applicants who seek to be school psychologists, endorsed by the Florida State Board of Education (FDOE).  The purpose is to provide more advanced knowledge and skills in evidence-based practices in schools and with families to promote positive outcomes.

Faculty review student progress annually to provide formative evaluation and prepare for the next phase of the program. Students are evaluated using a combination of course grades, portfolio assessments, field-based competencies, and professional dispositions assessment.

Students who successfully complete the School Psychology, Ed.S. coursework are eligible for an endorsement in school psychology from the State of Florida Department of Education. Graduates may also consider application to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) for certification as a Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSP). More information can be found on the NASP website

For more information on state licensure and certification information please visit NLU’s Public Disclosures page. 

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

PLO1. Standard 2. Data-Based Decision Making and Accountability. School psychologists have knowledge of varied models and methods of assessment and data collection for identifying strengths and needs, developing effective services and programs, and measuring progress and outcomes.

PLO2. Standard 3. Consultation and Collaboration. School psychologists have knowledge of varied models and strategies of consultation, collaboration, and communication applicable to individuals, families, groups, and systems and methods to promote effective implementation of services.

PLO3. Standard 4. Direct and Indirect Services: Student Level Services. Element 4.1 Interventions and Instructional Support to Develop Academic Skills. School psychologists have knowledge of biological, cultural, and social influences on academic skills; human learning, cognitive, and developmental processes; and evidence-based curricula and instructional strategies.

PLO4. Standard 4. Direct and Indirect Services: Student Level Services. Element 4.2 Interventions and Mental Health Services to Develop Social and Life Skills. School psychologists have knowledge of biological, cultural, developmental, and social influences on behavior and mental health, behavioral and emotional impacts on learning and life skills, and evidence-based strategies to promote social–emotional functioning and mental health.

PLO5. Standard 5. Direct and Indirect Services: Systems Level Services-Schools. Element 5.1 School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning School psychologists have knowledge of school and systems structure, organization, and theory; general and special education; technology resources; and evidence-based school practices that promote academic outcomes, learning, social development, and mental health. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, demonstrate skills to develop and implement practices and strategies to create and maintain effective and supportive learning environments for children and others.

PLO6. Standard 5. Direct and Indirect Services: Systems Level Services-Schools. Element 5.2 Preventive and Responsive Services. School psychologists have knowledge of principles and research related to resilience and risk factors in learning and mental health, services in schools and communities to support multitiered prevention, and evidence-based strategies for effective crisis response.

PLO7. Standard 6. Family–School Collaboration Services.  School psychologists have knowledge of principles and research related to family systems, strengths, needs, and culture; evidence-based strategies to support family influences on children’s learning and mental health; and strategies to develop collaboration between families and schools.

PLO8. Standard 7. Foundations of School Psychologists' Service Delivery: Diversity. School psychologists have knowledge of individual differences, abilities, disabilities, and other diverse characteristics; principles and research related to diversity factors for children, families, and schools, including factors related to culture, context, and individual and role differences; and evidence-based strategies to enhance services and address potential influences related to diversity. School psychologists demonstrate skills to provide professional services that promote effective functioning for individuals, families, and schools with diverse characteristics, cultures, and backgrounds and across multiple contexts, with recognition that an understanding and respect for diversity in development and learning and advocacy for social justice are foundations of all aspects of service delivery

PLO9. Standard 8. Foundations of School Psychologists' Service Delivery: Research and Program Evaluation, Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice. Element 8.1. Research and Program Evaluation. School psychologists have knowledge of research design, statistics, measurement, varied data collection and analysis techniques, and program evaluation sufficient for understanding research and interpreting data in applied settings. 

PLO10. Standard 8. Foundations of School Psychologists' Service Delivery: Research and Program Evaluation, Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice. Element 8.2: Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice. School psychologists have knowledge of the history and foundations of school psychology; multiple service models and methods; ethical, legal, and professional standards; and other factors related to professional identity and effective practice as school psychologists. 

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admissions Requirements, applicants must:

  • Submit a personal statement describing their interest in school psychology as a profession and how the NLU School Psychology program helps them accomplish their career goals
  • Submit at least two letters of recommendation, which are academic in nature, regarding the applicants capacity for graduate work
  • Submit a professional resume or curriculum vitae describing relevant background and work experiences

Program Details:

  • Requires 68 SH for completion
  • Students who receive two or more “C” or lower grades will be dropped from the program 
  • Requires project based, field experience, unpaid practicum in schools 
  • Second year Practicum Experience requires three quarters of an unpaid practicum in a school system totaling 6 SH. Each quarter of practicum will include on-site supervision, weekly virtual class room meetings with Instructor/University Supervisor, and expected 50 hours of practicum field experience per quarter.
  • Requires a full-school year internship in public schools to complete the degree and become eligible for Florida certification in school psychology

Program Requirements - 68 SH

Required Courses

SPY 506Interventions in Schools with Multicultural Students


SPY 508Practices and Principles of School Psychology


SPY 510School-Family-Community Partnerships


SPY 515Introduction to Tests and Measurement


SPY 518Universal Prevention and Promotion for Behavioral Health


SPY 520Educational Assessment for Tiered Services


SPY 524Methods of Research-Based Instruction for All Students


SPY 525Methods of Research-Based Intervention for Tiered Services


SPY 528Linking Students to Mental Health and Behavioral Supports


SPY 530Applied Research Methods for School Psychologists


SPY 534Cognitive Assessment in Contemporary School Practice


SPY 538Applied Behavior Analysis


SPY 540Professional Issues in SchoolPsychology


SPY 544Theory and Practice of Consultation


SPY 548Social-Emotional and Behavioral Assessment


SPY 550Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Approaches I


SPY 551Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Approaches II


SPY 554System Level Consultation and Collaboration


SPY 560School Psychology Practices and Principles Practicum


SPY 561Educational Assessment for Tiered Services Practicum


SPY 562Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum


SPY 565School Psychology Practicum II

1 TO 3

SPY 590Internship in School Psychology


Note: SPY 540 must be taken for 3 SH. SPY 565 must be taken for a total of 6 SH. SPY 590 must be taken for a total of 9 SH.