Investigative Process Overview

  1. The Director of Community Standards or designee reviews the Incident Report, meets with all involved parties to investigate the incident, and collects evidence. This may include the reporting party (the Complainant), the Responding Student and any witnesses who may have information related to the incident.
  2. At any point during the Student Conduct Process, the Director of Community Standards or designee may place interim restrictions or requirements on a Responding Student or other involved parties to ensure the safety and security of the campus community. These actions include, but are not limited to, no contact orders, limiting presence on campus or modifications to class attendance. In situations where temporary suspension is recommended, the decision rests with the Director of Community Standards or designee.
  3. During investigative interviews, the Director of Community Standards or designee provides the Responding Student with a copy of the Incident Report, the University policies, and explains the Student Conduct Process to all involved parties. Investigations of complaints subject to the Comprehensive Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence policy will be conducted pursuant to that policy.
  4. The investigator will use a preponderance of the evidence standard (“more likely than not”) in determining whether the Responding Student violated any policies or rules of the University.
  5. Following the completion of the investigation, the Director of Community Standards or designee will communicate in writing via NLU email to notify the Responding Student whether or not they have been found responsible for violating an NLU policy based on the evidence collected in the investigative process. In an instance where the responding student has been found responsible, the communication will also detail the educational sanctions that have been assessed as a result of this finding.
  6. If no formal charges result, the Student Conduct Process is complete and this incident does not constitute a student conduct record for the Responding Student.