Course Fees 2022-2023

Student Course Fees 2022-2023

Undergraduate College

Course                             Fee       Description

MTH 101**                       $40        Knewton course software fee

MTH 102**                       $40        Knewton course software fee

MTH 105**                       $40        Knewton course software fee

MTH 115**                       $40        Knewton course software fee

ENG 101**                       $60        Hawkes course software fee

HIS 102**                         $45        Cengage course software fee

PSY 101**                        $45        Cengage course software fee

SCI 101**                         $45        Cengage course software fee

SCI 105**                         $45        Cengage course software fee

SOC 101**                       $45        Cengage course software fee

ECO 200**                       $45        Acrobatiq course software fee

HIS 103**                         $45        Acrobatiq course software fee

** Non Pathways sections only

Kendall College

Course                              Fee        Description

CAPK 498                        $100       Senior Integrative Project

CUL 110                           $90        Sanitation course materials fee

KCUL 105                         $50        CPR/First Aid materials fee

KCUL 115  $45 Field Excursion Fee

KCUL 125  $45 Field Excursion Fee

KCUL 155 $45 Field Excursion Fee

KCUL 164                         $40        Dining Room service fee

KCUL 399  $60 Art of Cheese materials fee

HOS 120                           $46        Management materials fee 

HOS 203                           $150      Beverage Manager materials fee

HOS 318                           $150      Spirits and Mixology materials fee

HOS 319                           $65        Craft of Beer materials fee

HOS 334   $40  Practicum Fee

HOS 364                           $40        Banquet and Catering Fee (uniform)

HOS 366                           $40        Simulation course fee

HOS 445                           $40        Simulation course fee

HOS 480                           $75        Capstone Technology fee

Education- National College of Education & Undergraduate College

Course                              Fee        Description

ECE 470A                        $83.33    Field Experience fee

ECE 580                           $83.33    Field Experience fee

ECE 590                           $83.33    Field Experience fee

ELE 470A                         $83.33    Field Experience fee

ELE 587                            $250       Partnership Field Experience fee

ELE 510                            $83.33    Field Experience fee

ELE 590                            $83.33    Field Experience fee

MGE 505                           $83.33    Field Experience fee

MGE 590                           $83.33    Field Experience fee

SEC 510-524                     $83.33    Methods Course fee

SEC 590A-F                      $83.33    Field Experience fee

SPE 576                            $83.33    Field Experience fee

SPE 592C                          $83.33    Field Experience fee

ECE 470B                          $300      edTPA Fee^

ECE 590                             $300      edTPA fee

ELE 470B                           $300      edTPA fee^

ELE 590                              $300      edTPA fee^

SEC 590A-F                        $300      edTPA fee^

SPE 592C                           $300      edTPA fee^

^ The edTPA fee is currently waived through December 31, 2023, per the Gubernatorial Emergency Proclamation. The status of this fee for Winter and Spring 2024 will depend on the status of any future proclamation.

College of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Course                              Fee         Description

HSC 501                            $30        NLUCA Fee (Illinois sections only)

HSC 533                            $195      Tevera courseware fee (Illinois sections only)

New student program fees:

  • All new students in the EDD Counselor Ed and Supervision program and the MS Counseling program based in Florida are charged a one-time $195 Tevera courseware fee required by that program
  • All new students in the MA Clinical Psychology and PSYD Clinical Psychology programs are charged a one-time $195 Tevera courseware fee required by that program

School of Business and Information Technology

Course Fee Description

DTE 500 $105 Emotional Quotient Inventory Fee

MBA 505 $105 Emotional Quotient Inventory Fee

MBA 505 $27 Ethics Inventory Fee