
If the respondent is a student, the appeals process provided in the Student Conduct Process shall be available to the responding student.

If the Respondent is a tenured member of the NLU faculty and the Investigative Body established in the National Louis University Policy for Termination of Tenured Faculty for Cause, FP 115, determines there is not sufficient evidence to refer the Complaint for investigation by the Investigative Panel, the Complainant may file an appeal to the Investigative Panel by submitting the appeal in writing to the Vice President for Human Resources or designee. Upon receiving the appeal, the Investigative Panel will review the appeal and the record submitted by the Investigative Body and determine whether further investigation is warranted. The Investigative Panel will notify the Complainant and the Respondent of its final determination, including the results of any investigation it conducts regarding the complaint.

If the Respondent is a University employee who is not a tenured member of the NLU faculty, and the Vice President of Human Resources; designee finds that the Respondent did not engage in the conduct alleged by the Complainant or the Complainant disagrees with the sanction imposed on the Respondent, the Complainant may appeal in writing to the Vice President for Human Resources. Upon receiving the appeal, the Vice President for Human Resources or designee, who shall be someone other than the Vice President of Human Resources’ designee, will review the appeal and the record submitted. The Vice President for Human Resources or designee will notify the Complainant and the Respondent employee of their final determination.