Appointment of Confidential Advisor and Victim Support

Pursuant to the Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act, survivors of sexual violence have access to Confidential Advisors who can provide emergency and ongoing support to survivors of violence. Under the act, “sexual violence” means physical sexual acts attempted or perpetrated against a person’s will or when a person is incapable of giving consent, including without limitation rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse, and sexual coercion. A survivor of sexual violence is a student who has experienced sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking while enrolled at NLU. NLU, however, provides access to Confidential Advisors who are authorized and trained to provide the following services:

  • Inform the complainant of the complainant’s choice of possible next steps regarding the complainant’s reporting options and possible outcomes, including without limitation reporting pursuant to this policy and notifying local law enforcement.
  • Notify the complainant of resources and services for survivors of sexual violence, including, but not limited to, student services available on campus and through community-based resources, including without limitation sexual assault crisis centers, medical treatment facilities, counselling services, legal resources, medical forensic services, and mental health services.
  • Inform the complainant of the complainant’s rights and NLU’s responsibilities regarding orders of protection, no contact orders, or similar lawful orders issued by NLU or a criminal or civil court.
  • Provide confidential services to and have privileged, confidential communications with complainant in accordance with Illinois law,
  • Upon the complainant’s request and as appropriate, liaise with campus officials, community-based sexual assault crisis centers, or local law enforcement and, if requested, assist the complainant with contracting and reporting to campus officials or local law enforcement.
  • Upon the complainant’s request, liaise with the necessary campus authorities to secure interim protective measures and accommodations for the complainant.

NLU Confidential Advisor:

University Confidential Advisor

Cindy Danzell


For an updated list of Confidential Advisor agencies, please consult NLU’s website at or contact the Title IX Coordinator at or 312.261.3162.

The same services are available to a respondent upon request.