Infant-Toddler Studies, B.A.

The undergraduate major in Infant-Toddler Studies provides undergraduate students with a solid foundation in early childhood development and significant concepts necessary for supporting healthy infant and toddler growth, learning, and development from prenatal to age three. Students who pursue this major are interested in working in a variety of settings that support best practices for children and families prenatal to age three. Topics in this major include best practices in curriculum, early intervention, assessment, culturally relevant pedagogy, infant mental health, trauma-informed practice, and other relevant topics necessary for supporting infants, toddlers, and families across a wide spectrum of programs, communities, and funding streams.

Candidates who complete the program will be eligible to earn a credential in Early Intervention in Illinois as well as the currently entitled Gateways to Opportunity Level 5 Early Childhood Education and Infant/Toddler credentials.

This program does NOT lead to a Professional Educator License. Students will not be eligible to be licensed to teach in settings that require a licensed teacher. 

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

At the completion of B.A. in Infant-Toddler Studies, students will be able to:

PLO-1 Demonstrate competency in using knowledge of learners, content and pedagogical knowledge of the critical years of birth to five to inform their planning in the learning environment;
PLO-2 Demonstrate competency in creating healthy and safe active learning environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encourage positive social interactions and identity for children ages birth to five;
PLO-3 Demonstrate competency in using a variety of instructional strategies, connect concepts and different perspectives to build on children’s (birth to five) critical stages of development;
PLO-4 Demonstrate competency in observing and assessing children ages birth to five with a focus on using data to inform children’s learning and their own teaching to inform future planning and possible early intervention strategies;
PLO-5 Demonstrate competency in modifying curriculum and instruction based on the needs of children to provide culturally relevant and responsive developmentally appropriate curricula and programming for children ages birth to five;
PLO-6 Demonstrate competency in collaborating with diverse families, using knowledge and understanding of individual contexts to plan for and support the development and learning for children ages birth to five;
PLO-7 Demonstrate competency in reflective practice, professionalism, leadership and advocacy to further advance the field of early care and education; and
PLO-8 Demonstrate competency in promoting healthy social and emotional development and mental wellness from prenatal stages of development through three years of age.   

Program Details:

  • Requires 180 QH including 70 QH of General Education for completion
  • There are field hours built into courses across the entire program, taken each term, that candidates must complete. They are mapped to the following Credentials:
    • Illinois Gateways to Opportunity Level 5 ECE Credential.
    • Illinois Gateways to Opportunity Level 5 Infant-Toddler Credential.
    • Illinois Gateways to Opportunity Level 2 Director’s Credential (for those completing the Early Care and Education Administration concentration).
    • Illinois Department of Human Services’ Early Intervention Specialist Developmental Therapist Credential.
    Note: The Infant-Toddler Studies major includes all content and field hours necessary for each of these credentials (except for the Director’s Credential, which requires the Early Care and Education Administration concentration coursework). Candidates will need to pursue each of these credentials independently and may need to apply and pay a fee for each of them separate from their degree program.
  • Requires completion of 35 QH of the ITS major to be completed at NLU: ECE 303, ECE 321, ECE 341, ECE 342, ECE 400, and ECE 480
  • A minimum grade of "C" or better in all General Education and elective courses is required
  • A minimum grade of “C” or better in all courses in the Educator Preparation Core is required including ITS major and chosen concentration
  • A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required prior to taking ECE 400
  • Credit by examination is accepted for elective credit
  • Credit for Prior Learning may be accepted for CAR 202, CAR 203, EDU 200, EDU 210, and EDU 305
  • Candidates may choose one of the following concentrations:

Required Courses

General Education Requirements


ENG 101Beginning English Composition


ENG 201Intermediate English


ENG 203Effective Speaking for the Undergraduate


Note: Students transferring credit from other institutions or applying coursework previously completed at NLU may use any three general education courses in the following disciplines: academic writing, oral communications, and written communications.


Humanities and Fine Arts

Choose two courses from the list below:
HIS 103History Across the Globe


PHI 107Introduction to Ethics and Social Critique


ART 105Race, Identity and Experience in American Art


Note: Students transferring credit from other institutions or applying coursework previously completed at NLU may use any two general education courses in the following disciplines:  

  • Humanities: foreign language, history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, interdisciplinary humanities and fine arts, interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences
  • Fine Arts: visual arts (including art history, art appreciation, and studio arts, such as drawing, painting, digital art, or film), film and cinema studies, and performing arts (including music appreciation, music theory, and music performance, theatre appreciation and performance, and dance) 


Mathematics and Natural Sciences

MTH 105Math for Educators I


SCI 101Physical Science


SCI 105Environmental Biology with Lab


Note: Students transferring credit from other institutions or applying coursework previously completed at NLU may use any three general education courses in the following disciplines: 

  • Mathematics: college-level and not developmental in nature
  • Natural Sciences: physics, chemistry, earth science, astronomy, geology, physical geography, biology, human anatomy and physiology, microbiology, genetics, botany and zoology; and interdisciplinary fields such as environmental science, and ecology and conservation
  • Mathematics or Natural Sciences


Social and Behavioral Sciences

HIS 102Civics and American Government


PSY 101Introduction to Psychology


Note: Students transferring credit from other institutions or applying coursework previously completed at NLU may use any two general education courses in the area of Social and Behavioral Sciences in the following disciplines: anthropology, economics, geography, history, human geography, political science, psychology, sociology, interdisciplinary social/behavioral science, interdisciplinary humanities and social and behavioral science.


Program Specific General Education Requirements

The following courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better:

EDU 200Applied Educational Psychology


EDU 220Children’s Literature for Educators


Additional General Education Requirements

GEN 103Student Success Seminar



GEN 203NLU & You: Tools & Strategies for Student Success


Note: GEN 103 is required for the first-time freshman students only. Students transferring in less than 90 QH are required to complete GEN 203

Career Development Requirements

First-time Daytime Students - 5 QH

CAR 214Creating and Communicating the Professional Brand



BRV 200Braven Leadership and Career Accelerator


Transfer Students - 5 QH

BRV 200Braven Leadership and Career Accelerator



CAR 214Creating and Communicating the Professional Brand



CAR 202Creating Professional Identity

0 TO 2


CAR 203You The Professional


Educator Preparation Core - 35 QH

EAL 300Educational Foundations for Learning English as an Additional Language


EAL 331Cross Cultural Studies for Working with English Language Learners


ECE 334Language and Early Literacy Development


EDU 210Educational Philosophy- A Historical Account


EDU 290Professionalism and Ethical Engagement with Children, Families and the Community


EDU 299Child Development


EDU 305Equity in Education


Infant -Toddler Studies Major - 55 QH

ECE 301Understanding Infants & Toddlers


ECE 302Health, Safety and Wellness in Infant/Toddler Environments


ECE 303Issues, Trends and Leadership in Early Childhood Education


ECE 321Curriculum and Assessment, Infant/Toddler Settings


ECE 324Integrated Preprimary Methodology in Early Childhood Education


ECE 341Early Intervention and Screening for Infants & Toddlers


ECE 342Culturally Responsive Infant/Toddler Settings


ECE 400Infant/Toddler Mental Health and Trauma Informed Practice


ECE 480Internship in Infant/Toddler Studies


EDU 350Teacher Preparation Curriculum and Assessment



Concentration- 15 QH

See links to concentrations above