Grade Information

A grade is awarded in every college credit, vocational credit, developmental education (college preparatory), and vocational preparatory course as well as in certain non-credit courses. Pensacola State College maintains permanent records for every student registering for courses. A student may obtain the final grade for a course by accessing his or her records online at A cumulative record of the student's grades appears on the transcript. A complete explanation of the letter grades appears in the Grades Table.

Grade Reports

A grade report will not be mailed to a student. A student may view final grades by accessing his or her record on A student may obtain midterm progress and grade information from the instructor. Midterm grades do not display on the academic transcript and do not become a part of a student’s permanent record.

Minimum Grades

Unless otherwise specified, a grade of D or D+ is counted as earned credit, may be used to meet program requirements, and will be used in calculating academic progress. Any student seeking an Associate in Arts degree or bachelor's degree must earn a minimum grade of C in each mathematics course and each writing emphasis course used to meet general education requirements. This minimum grade requirement is established by 6A-10.030, F.A.C. See General Education for more information about the requirements.

Incomplete Grades

The following conditions must be met in order for a student to be eligible for an Incomplete (I) grade:

  1. The student must be passing the course;
  2. The student must have completed at least 70% of the course requirements; and
  3. The student and the instructor must reach a mutual agreement that the student has a reasonable chance of successfully completing the course without additional instruction.

If all three conditions are met, the student and the instructor will enter into a written contract for the completion of the course. A copy of the contract will be provided to the student, and copies will be maintained by the instructor and the department head. The contract shall include the following information:

  1. The student’s last date of attendance in the course;
  2. The student’s remaining requirements for course completion; and
  3. The student’s deadline for completing the remaining course requirements. The last date to complete the course is determined at the instructor’s discretion but shall not exceed one term from the last day of class.

A grade of I in a college credit or vocational credit course will become a grade of F if not completed by the date indicated by the instructor. A grade of I in a developmental education (college preparatory) course will become a grade of N if not completed by the date indicated by the instructor. With extenuating and mitigating circumstances, a student may request that a failing grade (F) be changed to a W by filing a formal appeal for late withdrawal to the Student Academic Appeals Committee.

An Incomplete grade will not be issued if

  1. The student has ceased attending class;
  2. The student is not passing the class; or
  3. The student has not completed at least 70% of the course requirements.

In these three cases, a grade other than an Incomplete will be assigned.

Grade Point Average

The student’s permanent record contains grade point average (GPA) calculations. The student’s GPA is used in determining academic standing, graduation readiness, eligibility for the honors lists and graduation with honors, and in other academical decisions.

In general, the Grade Point Average is computed as follows:

Quality Point Total ÷ Total Credit Hours (for GPA) = GPA

When calculating the cumulative GPA, use total quality points and total credit hours. Quality points are awarded as follows:

  Grade  Grade Quality Points
A 4.0
B+ 3.5
B 3.0
C+ 2.5
C 2.0
D+ 1.5
D 1.0
F 0.0

To determine the total quality points for a grade in a particular course, the following formula is used:

Credit Hours X Grade Quality Points = Total Quality Points for Course

For example, the total quality points for a grade of C in ENC 1101 (a three-credit hour course) are calculated by multiplying the credit hours by the grade quality points for a C: three credit hours X two grade quality points = six total quality points for the course.

Credit hours are defined as those credits in which a letter grade (A through F) has been awarded. Grades of S, P, U, I, N, NC, W, and X do not carry grade quality points. In general, credits for these grades do not count in hours pursued. However, in certain other circumstances, such as determination of repeat enrollments and in computation of certain specialized GPAs, credit hours that carry these grades may be included in the GPA computation. Questions regarding grade calculations may be directed to any Student Services Office.

Grades Table

Grade 1 General Meaning Grade Points Assigned Per Credit (Quality Points) Credit Count Toward Graduation? Does Credit Transfer? Can Be Repeated To Improve Graduation GPA? Does It Affect Cumulative GPA? Does It Count As “Attempted Credits” For Standards Of Academic Progress?
A Excellent 4.0 Yes Yes No Yes Yes
B+ Very good 3.5 Yes Yes No Yes Yes
B Good 3.0 Yes Yes No Yes Yes
C+ High average 2.5 Yes Yes No Yes Yes
C Average 2.0 Yes Yes No Yes Yes
D+ Below average 1.5 Yes Sometimes Yes Yes Yes
D Poor 1.0 Yes Sometimes Yes Yes Yes
F Failure 0.0 No No Yes Yes Yes
I4 Incomplete 0.0 No No Yes No Yes
W5 Withdrew 0.0 No No Yes No Yes
P6,9 Passing 0.0 Yes Yes No No Yes
N5 No Credit 0.0 No No Yes No Yes
X5,7 Audit 0.0 No No Yes No No
NC5,7 Non-Credit 0.0 No No Yes No Yes
SP8 Showing Progress 0.0 No No No No No
S10 Satisfactory 0.0 No No No No No
U10 Unsatisfactory 0.0 No No No No No
  1. Final grades may be based upon daily work, special reports, research papers, laboratory and field work, tests, final examinations, and other course assignments or requirements.
  2. Upon written request, a transcript will be furnished without charge.
  3. A course with final grade of P or C or higher cannot be repeated for credit or to improve one’s GPA.
  4. I (Incomplete) grades received at the end of any term become failing grades (F) if not completed by the date assigned by the instructor or the maximum completion date of one academic year.
  5. A grade of N is used only in developmental education courses. A grade of N may be assigned to a student earning a D or F in such a course. VA-assisted student education benefits will not be affected by an N grade, but the VA student should not expect to retain benefits for any course(s) assigned a W, NC, or X.
  6. Credit hours earned through examinations such as advanced placement tests, College Examination Program (CLEP), and departmental examinations do not affect the GPA. These credit hours do count toward graduation and are counted as meeting certain course requirements.
  7. Not to be assigned by instructor. Except in CEU courses, a student may elect to audit a course at registration or before drop/add ends and the status cannot be changed later.
  8. For use in courses offered through the Adult Education Department indicating that, although coursework has not been satisfactorily completed, positive progress is being made.
  9. Credit earned through the Pass/Fail option will carry a grade of P or F. A grade of P will not be included in the calculations of grade point average; a grade of F will be included in the calculations of grade point average.
  10. Assigned only in non-credit classes.