
Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG)

FSAG is a State of Florida need-based grant program awarded for Fall and Spring terms to a Florida resident student who is working on their undergraduate degree. A student must submit an error-free FAFSA and have an expected family contribution (EFC) of o-8769 as determined by the Department of Education, be enrolled in an AA, AS, BSN, or BAS degree program, have not previously received a baccalaureate degree, be enrolled in a minimum of six credits in their declared program of study each term, have remaining need, maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (FASAP), satisfy the annual award renewal requirements, and meet other eligibility criterion as established by the State of Florida. Students who have attempted and completed more than 110% of their degree program requirements are not eligible for FSAG funds. Due to limited availability of FSAG funds, not all students who meet eligibility and renewal requirements will be awarded. To remain eligible, the student must not drop, withdraw, or stop attending their courses, as these actions may require the student to repay all or a portion of the grant. 

Florida Student Assistance Grant – Certificate Education (FSAG-CE)

FSAG-CE is a State of Florida need-based grant program awarded for Fall and Spring terms to a Florida resident student who is working on a work-force certificate. A student must submit an error-free FAFSA and have an expected family contribution (EFC) of o-8769 as determined by  the Department of Education, have not previously received a baccalaureate degree, be enrolled in a minimum of six credits in their certificated program of study each term, have remaining need, maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (FASAP), satisfy the annual award renewal requirements, and meet other eligibility criterion as established by the State of Florida. Students who have attempted and completed more than 110% of their degree program requirements are not eligible for FSAG-CE funds. Due to limited availability of FSAG-CE funds, not all students who meet eligibility and renewal requirements will be awarded. To remain eligible, the student must not drop, withdraw, or stop attending their courses, as these actions may require repaying all or a portion of the grant. 

Florida First Generation Grant (FGMG)

FGMG is a State of Florida need-based grant program for the Fall and Spring terms for an undergraduate student whose parents have not earned baccalaureate degree or higher. A student must submit an error-free FAFSA and have a PELL-eligible expected family contribution (EFC) as determined by the FAFSA, have remaining need, be enrolled in an AA, AS, BSN, or BAS degree program, not previously received a baccalaureate degree, be enrolled in a minimum of six credits in their declared program of study each term, satisfy the annual award renewal requirements, and meet other eligibility criterion as established by the State of Florida. Students who have attempted and completed more than 110% of their degree program requirements are not eligible for FSAG funds. Due to limited availability of FGMG funds, not all students who meet eligibility and renewal requirements will be awarded. To remain eligible, the student must not drop, withdraw, or stop attending their courses, as these actions may require repaying all or a portion of the grant. 

Florida Bright Futures (FBF)

To access a Florida Bright Futures award, the student must apply for the scholarship by submitting the Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) no later than August 31 after high school graduation. The State of Florida Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) will process the application only at

The Pensacola State College Financial Aid, Veterans Services, and Scholarships Office automatically awards this merit aid each term to eligible students enrolled in a minimum of six credits in their declared program of study at the College and identified by the State of Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance. It is the student’s responsibility to select the College which they wish to receive their award.

Bright Futures scholarships do not pay 100% of tuition and related expenses at any college. The award amount per credit hour is determined annually by the State of Florida Legislature and is published on the OSFA website. The State of Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance (OFSA) notifies the student of the per credit hour amount in an email message to the address the student provides on their application.

A student who withdraws or is withdrawn from courses after the end of the schedule adjustment period will be billed by the College for those hours and will be unable to register for any future term until their debt to the College is paid. All cost of collection including reasonable attorney fees will be the responsibility of the student.

Repayment to Pensacola State College for the cost of withdrawn course(s) is required to renew the Bright Futures scholarship for the subsequent academic year. Renewal and reinstatement details and changes are listed on the Bright Future website at


The Pensacola State College Scholarship Program recognizes both academic performance and financial need when awarding scholarships. Many criteria are used to select scholarship recipients. Among these criteria are grade point average, leadership qualities, contributions to school or community, visual and performing arts achievement, athletic ability, and other academic activities. This information is provided by new students during the application process and updated by returning students who apply on their annual application. (See the Scholarship Application Form section.)

The Florida Legislature requires all students receiving a need-based scholarship to also have their financial need assessed by a nationally recognized needs analysis. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the approved needs determination process in Florida. The FAFSA is available online at Students must submit an error-free FAFSA application and complete verification, if selected. The student must input Pensacola State College's school code 001513 as one of their college choices on the FAFSA. (See Financial Aid.)  For detailed information regarding eligibility, selection criteria, and application procedures, refer to the link on the College website.

Online Scholarship Application

To be considered for scholarships, students must:

  1. Complete a Pensacola State College application for admission;
  2. Submit a completed online Pensacola State College scholarship application ( each academic year, by the deadlines listed on the website at; and
  3. Check PirateMail regularly for information related to scholarship awarding.

Additional Information

For additional information about scholarship availability, specific eligibility requirements, or transfer scholarships, contact the district Financial Aid, Veteran Services, Scholarships Office at (850) 484-1680 or review the information on the Financial Aid, Veteran Services, and Scholarships website at
