General Information

Student Responsibilities for Graduation

Each student is responsible for selecting courses that meet program requirements and for earning the minimum grades required in those courses. Every student is strongly encouraged to start working on mathematics requirements during the first term enrolled and to remain continuously enrolled in mathematics courses each term until all mathematics requirements have been satisfied.

Some courses are offered only once each year. The student is strongly encouraged to plan his or her program of study with an advisor or the appropriate department head. Additionally, each academic program is represented in the College Catalog as a sequence of terms. The student who stays on sequence will finish on time and will meet all prerequisite and corequisite requirements of courses required for the degree.

A student may review his or her graduation progress with an advisor, the program coordinator or director, through the degree audit component of Workday, or through

Graduation Rates

Information regarding graduation rates and placement information is available as required by the Student Right to Know Act (Public Law 101-542) at

Graduation Requirements

All Programs

  1. Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the Effective Catalog (the catalog in effect at the time the student first enrolled in the program). See Catalog Year Policy.
  2. Submit a Graduation Application through Workday even if participation in a commencement ceremony is not planned. The Graduation Application prompts the analysis of the permanent record for graduation purposes.
  3. Resolve all other requirements and satisfy all financial obligations to the College including parking and library fines.

Baccalaureate Degrees

  1. Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all coursework completed at the College. If any course or courses have been attempted at any other college or university, the grades earned at the other institution(s) combined with the grades earned at Pensacola State College must also result in a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00;
  2. Complete a minimum of 25% of credit hours required for the degree in residence at the College;
  3. Complete the general education requirements for the Associate in Arts degree including earning grades of C or better in all writing-emphasis courses and mathematics courses; and
  4. Demonstrate foreign language competency through successful completion of two sequential credits in high school foreign language or successful completion of a postsecondary elementary foreign language II course (the second course in a foreign language sequence), or other means as specified in institutional policy.
  5. Individual baccalaureate degrees may have additional requirements. Consult with a program coordinator or department head when starting the program.

Associate in Arts Degree

  1. Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all coursework completed at the College. If any course has or courses have been attempted at any other college or university, the grades earned at the other institution(s) combined with the grades earned at Pensacola State College must also result in a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00;
  2. Complete a minimum of 25% of program requirements in residence at the College; and
  3. The student who began college in or after the Fall 2014 term must demonstrate foreign language competency through successful completion of two sequential credits in high school foreign language, or successful completion of a postsecondary elementary foreign language II course (the second course in a foreign language sequence), or other means as specified in institutional policy.

Associate in Science Degrees

  1. Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all work completed at the College. If any work has been attempted at any other college or university, the grades earned at the other institution(s) combined with the grades earned at Pensacola State College must also result in a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00;
  2. Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 in all general education courses used for the degree; and
  3. Complete a minimum of 25% of program requirements in residence at the College.

Certificate Programs

  1. Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all work completed at the College. If any work has been attempted at any other college or university, the grades earned at the other institution(s) combined with the grades earned at Pensacola State College must also result in a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00;
  2. Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better in all courses applicable to the specific program of study;
  3. Complete a minimum of 25% of program requirements in residence at the College; and
  4. Achieve appropriate minimum skill levels on the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) if required for the particular program of study. Students pursuing a certificate may be exempt from the TABE requirement based on a previously earned associate or higher degree. Contact the program coordinator or department head for more information.

Commencement Ceremony

The College holds two commencement ceremonies: at the end of the Fall term in December and at the end of the Spring term in May. The Director of Student Engagement and Leadership will mail information regarding graduation regalia (cap and gown rentals) and other information regarding the graduation ceremony.

Students who submit the Application for Graduation for a summer term will be eligible to participate in either the Fall term or the Spring term ceremony. A student is expected to submit the graduation application indicating the term of anticipated graduation not the term of participation in the Annual Commencement Ceremony. A graduation application must be submitted regardless of participation in the ceremony. The graduation application is to be submitted through a student’s Workday record at
