Withdrawal from the University

Students who withdraw from the University before the expiration of the semester or session for which they are enrolled must complete the official Withdrawal Form in the Registrar’s Office and secure the approval of the Business Office. University housing students must also secure the approval of the Dean of Students before withdrawing from the University.

A student whose withdrawal is necessitated by illness or injury will be given three weeks within which to withdraw officially.

A student who withdraws is immediately eligible to apply for readmission except that:

  • A student on academic suspension due to receipt of WQs for withdrawn courses cannot be readmitted until one Spring or Fall semester has passed; and
  • A student may be disqualified for readmission for disciplinary reasons.

Students experiencing a disruption in enrollment lasting longer than one academic year must reorganize their respective degree plan to conform with the current catalog.

Failing grades in all courses will be posted for any students who stop attending classes but does not officially withdraw.