CHEM - Chemistry

CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I Lab

Emphasis on developing student laboratory techniques for general chemistry studies. Designed for transfer students with credit for General Chemistry I lecture. Prerequisite: Credit for a General Chemistry I lecture course and approval of instructor. Laboratory fee.


CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II Lab

Continued studies in general chemistry laboratory techniques. Designed for transfer students with credit for General Chemistry II lecture. Continuation of CHEM 1110. Prerequisite: Credit for General Chemistry II lecture and approval of instructor. Laboratory fee.


CHEM 1191 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 1193 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 1291 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 1293 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 1390 Independent Learning

Studies in Chemistry involving either use of chemical literature or laboratory techniques or both. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson.


CHEM 1391 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 1393 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 1400 Chemistry and Society

This course is designed to meet the requirements for a laboratory science course for students who do not plan to major in Biology or Chemistry. The course will not meet requirements for Nursing or other Health Careers students. In addition to providing an introduction to some basic concepts of Chemistry, the course is designed to acquaint students with the impact of current science and technology on their everyday lives by examining the chemistry of life, food additives, drug, detergents, cosmetics, paints, space, and others. The course will not count toward a Chemistry major or minor. Laboratory fee.


CHEM 1401 Introduction to Forensic Science

This is an introductory, applied course for students who are not planning to major in Biology or Chemistry, but who are interested in the technical methods used to enforce our criminal and civil laws. Students with interests in the scientific aspects of the Criminal Justice field or those who desire additional knowledge of the capabilities of a typical crime laboratory extending beyond that of magazine articles or televised programs, will benefit from the material. Real life examples of the principles and techniques of physical and natural science as practiced and applied to the analysis of crime scenes are to be discussed. Laboratory fee.


CHEM 1402 Environmental Science

Environmental Science is a course designed for students who are not planning to major in Biology or Chemistry. Using the global approach, the course will focus on environmental principles, problems, and potential solutions. A chemical emphasis will be given where applicable to such topics as materials, waste management and waste treatment, energy resources, population increases, water and water pollution, air and air pollution, using and misusing land, and environmental legislation. The laboratory activities will reinforce concepts covered in the classroom with experiments and demonstrations. (same as ENVR 1402) Laboratory fee.


CHEM 1410 General Chemistry I

This course is designed to prepare the natural science major, as well as pre-health professions students, for additional studies in chemistry. Fundamental topics in chemistry including atomic theory, stoichiometry, solutions, gases, thermochemistry, quantum theory, the periodic table, and chemical bonding are covered, including calculations methods. General techniques and fundamental properties are emphasized in the laboratory. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1306 or MATH 1320, or adequate high school background.


CHEM 1420 General Chemistry II

Continuation of CHEM 1410. Condensed phases, solution properties, kinetics, equilibria, acid-base systems, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry are covered. General techniques and fundamental properties are emphasized in the laboratory. Prerequisite: CHEM 1110/1410.


CHEM 1441 College Chemistry

This course is designed to provide the pre-nursing student with a fundamental understanding of general chemical principles. Atomic structure, bonding, nomenclature, chemical equations, and a problem-solving approach to stoichiometry, gases, solutions, acids and bases, and oxidations-reduction are covered. Basic techniques and fundamental properties are emphasized in the laboratory. This course does not fulfill the prerequisite for CHEM 1420. Laboratory fee.


CHEM 1491 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 1493 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 2181 Introduction to Chemical Research-Capstone I

An introduction to the methods of Chemical Research, including literature studies; the design, execution and analysis of experiments; and the documentation and presentation of results. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 2191 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 2193 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 2291 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 2293 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 2391 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 2393 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 2440 Foundations of Bio-Organic Chemistry

Important organic and biological compounds and their physical and chemical properties will be covered with additional study given to their roles in biochemical processes. Prerequisite: CHEM 1441 or equivalent. Laboratory fee. As needed.


CHEM 2491 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 2493 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 3001 Lab Assistantship

Faculty-directed experience in assisting with laboratory studies. May be repeated subject to availability of assignments. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 3110 Organic Chemistry I Lab

Laboratory component of Organic Chemistry I. Preparation of representative organic compounds and introduction to qualitative and quantitative organic analysis. Designed for transfer students with credit for Organic Chemistry I lecture. Prerequisite: Credit for an Organic Chemistry I lecture course and approval of instructor. Lab fee.


CHEM 3120 Organic Chemistry II Lab

Laboratory component of Organic Chemistry II. Continued studies in Organic Chemistry laboratory techniques. Designed for transfer students with credit for Organic Chemistry II lecture. Prerequisite: Credit for an Organic Chemistry II lecture course and approval of instructor. Lab fee.


CHEM 3130 Pre-Med Seminar

Mentorship fore pre-med and other pre-health professions students. Surveys the preparation for and procedure of applying to medical and other health professions schools. Provides information on locating necessary resources and effective scheduling to meet deadlines in submitting documents, and taking exams such as the MCAT.


CHEM 3191 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 3193 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 3291 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 3293 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 3391 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 3393 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 3400 Quantitative Analysis

Fundamental methods and theories of acid-base, precipitation, complex-formation, oxidation-reduction titration, and gravimetric methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 1420. Lab fee.


CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry I

A systematic study of carbon compounds. Laboratory work consists of preparation of representative organic compounds and an introduction to qualitative and quantitative organic analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 1410. Lab fee.


CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry II

A continuation of CHEM 3410. Prerequisite: CHEM 3410. Lab fee.


CHEM 3440 Physical Chemistry I

Kinetic theory; classical thermodynamic principles with an introduction to statistical thermodynamics; thermodynamics of chemical reactions and equilibrium; reaction kinetics and modern structural concepts. Prerequisites: CHEM 1420 and Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1330 and PHYS 2411 or PHYS 2421. Lab fee.


CHEM 3450 Physical Chemistry II

A continuation of CHEM 3440. Prerequisites: CHEM 1120/1420 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1330 and PHYS 2411 or PHYS 2421. Lab fee.


CHEM 3480 Environmental Chemistry

A study of the principles and concepts of Environmental Chemistry. The chemical processes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere will be investigated. The effect of man-made pollutants on these chemical processes will also be studied. Laboratory will focus on environmental sampling and analysis techniques. Lab fee. Prerequisite: CHEM 34 00.


CHEM 3491 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 3493 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4001 Lab Assistantship

Faculty-directed experience in assisting with laboratory studies. May be repeated subject to availability of assignments. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4025 Surgical Scholars

The Surgical Scholars Program includes discussions with and shadowing of surgeons, as well as other activities designed to provides students additional preparation for career choices and medical school. Enrollment is by application only. Background check and drug screening are required. Prerequisite: Meet minimum application requirements and approval of the Associate Dean for Natural Sciences. Course fees.


CHEM 4090 Senior Evaluation

Students majoring in chemistry must complete the chemistry achievement examination prior to graduation. Prerequisite: Consent of department chairperson. Fee.


CHEM 4160 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Lab fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4181 Chemical Research-Capstone II

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required. Library work and a written report may also be required. Prerequisite: approval of instructor.


CHEM 4183 Seminar - Capstone III

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and formal paper describing the studies and results of the student’s work in CHEM 4181. Prerequisite: CHEM 4181 and approval of instructor.


CHEM 4191 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.


CHEM 4193 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4260 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4291 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.


CHEM 4293 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor


CHEM 4300 Safety in the Academic Laboratory

An introduction to legal aspects of academic laboratory safety, basic concepts of a laboratory safety program, Material Safety Data Sheets, and waste disposal for academic science laboratories K-12. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4310 Handling Hazardous Materials

A study of the principles and methods of handling hazardous materials in the workplace. Coverage includes the nature and scope of hazards in the workplace and an overview of regulations of hazardous materials and worker safety, occupational diseases, fundamentals of industrial hygiene, basic concepts of toxicology, and an introduction to risk assessment. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4311 Environmental Issues

Concepts of Environmental Science will be introduced. Study will focus on the major environmental issues of the day, including technological, economic, and ethical aspects of these issues. Methods of risk-benefit analysis will be presented. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4345 Advanced Biochemistry

A survey of molecular processes within living systems. Topics include, but are not limited to: replication, transcription, and translation. The course builds on the topics that are covered in CHEM 4430. Prerequisite: CHEM 4430 with a “C” or higher.

CHEM 4350 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Theories of bonding in inorganic systems, coordination chemistry, mechanisms of inorganic reactions, acid-base theory, Born-Haber cycles, oxidation potential, and structured concepts. Prerequisite: Credit in a 3000-level Chemistry course.


CHEM 4360 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4391 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 4393 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4430 Biochemistry

A survey of life molecules with emphasis on their roles in metabolic processes. The laboratory is an introduction to classical biochemical techniques. Prerequisite: CHEM 3410 and CHEM 1420. Lab fee.


CHEM 4440 Instrumental Analysis

Theoretical basis for an application of instrumental methods of chemical analysis, including a wide variety of spectral and chromatographic techniques. Prerequisites: a 3000-Level chemistry course with a “C” or higher, or CHEM 1420 with a “C” or higher and permission of the instructor. Lab fee.

CHEM 4460 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4491 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


CHEM 4493 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.


CHEM 4560 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4660 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Lab fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.