BCIS - Business Computer Information Systems

BCIS 1301 Information Systems for Business Impact

This course provides an introduction to technology solutions as applied to personal productivity needs. Basic computer concepts will be covered. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of the resources aimed at supporting and enhancing personal decisions and productivity. Practical, hands-on experience will be a part of the course. This course will cover intermediate word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation applications. Lab fee.


BCIS 2318 Introduction to Web Site Design

This course introduces concepts for effective web site design, and tools and technologies used for creating effective web sites. Students will design web pages using a variety of methods including, but not limited to: HTML, web authoring software, and photo editing tools. Additional topics may be discussed depending on specific interests of the current students. Prerequisite: BCIS 1301.


BCIS 2330 Fundamentals of Programming

This course provides an introduction to programming concepts within an object-oriented environment. Effective user interface design and programming structures (sequence, decisions, and repetition) will be emphasized through the use of an object-oriented programming language. Students will learn to apply problem solving techniques as they develop business applications. Prerequisite: BCIS 1301.


BCIS 3311 Social Media

This course examines social media software applications to support personal learning networks and enhance business productivity. Students will research best practices in the field of technology. More specifically, students will learn how individuals and organizations can strategically use social media tools to engage their audience in new and effective ways. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

BCIS 3312 Management Information Systems

This course examines the integration of computer and information technology into business. Discussions will include general systems concepts, information systems technologies, types of information processing systems, information technology-related services, and the management of information systems in organizations. Integration and management considerations will be examined regarding current and future business goals and objectives. Prerequisites: BADM 1301 and BCIS 1301. Lab fee.


BCIS 3318 Intermediate Dynamic Web Site Design

This course will present technologies to dynamically enhance web sites through scripting, animation tools, and Dynamic HTML. Additional topics may be discussed depending on the specific interests of the current students. Prerequisite: BCIS 2318 or CISC 4322


BCIS 3320 Database Administration

This course provides students with an understanding of relational databases. Fundamental database concepts will be covered including keys and related terminology, normalization techniques, basic SQL, data modeling, relational designs and database administration issues such as backup/recovery and security. Prerequisite: BCIS 1301. Lab Fee.


BCIS 3325 Systems Analysis and Design

This course provides students with various principles, methods, guidelines, and techniques useful in the analysis and design of information systems in business organizations. In doing so, we recognize that most all information systems projects, have  a “life cycle” that generally consists of the four basic stages of planning, analysis, design, and implementation. Emphasis will be placed on both the traditional approaches to these stages as well as more recent advances in the field that take an object-oriented approach to systems analysis and design through the Uniform Modeling Language (UML). Prerequisite: BCIS 2330.


BCIS 3335 Digital Video Editing

This course presents various topics including techniques for integration of hardware and digital media software with a focus on the creation and delivery of digital video for the web. Convergent uses of technology are explored. Term project: Brief professional grade digital production published for the web. Lab fee.


BCIS 3340 Introduction to E-Commerce

This course explores how the Internet has revolutionized the buying and selling of goods and services in the marketplace. This course will benefit students interested in working in an E-Commerce environment or evaluating E-Commerce activities.


BCIS 3350 Desktop & Digital Publishing

This course provides an introduction to computer layout and design using desktop and digital publishing industry-standard software. This course focuses on technical proficiency and the business components of digital and print publishing, e-pubs, handheld devices, and more. Prerequisite: BCIS 1301.

BCIS 3370 Computer 3D Modeling

This course will address the tools to create 3D models using point, polygon and spline modeling. Includes mastering entry-level FX; plus planning and creating short 3D animation for integration in computer- and web-based multimedia products. Lab fee.


BCIS 3375 Computer 3D Animation

This course will address advanced skills in 3D animation, including skelegons, weight maps, inverse kinematics and IK chains. Further exploration of 3D FX involving hyper voxels, particle effects, collision and hard/soft body dynamics will be provided. Prerequisite: BCIS 3370. Lab fee.


BCIS 4315 Interactive Multimedia

This course is designed to introduce the student to methods of designing and publishing training material. There will be an emphasis on technology. Prerequisite: BCIS 2318 or CISC 2305 and senior standing. Lab fee.


BCIS 4318 Advanced Concepts for Web Site Design

This course investigates advanced tools and technologies to provide additional insight into effective utilization of web sites. Current technologies will be used to integrate web pages to interact with data sources, such as, databases, spreadsheets, and XML. Additional topics may be discussed depending on the specific interests of the current students. Prerequisites: BCIS 3320 and BCIS 3318.


BCIS 4345 IT Security and Networking

This course addresses topics in telecommunications, computer networks, and systems architecture, as well as information systems security. Specific areas of discussion are network models, network hardware and software, network management, and current trends in networking. Additional areas of discussion may include physical security, social engineering, cyber security, threat/risk analysis and business continuity. Prerequisite: BCIS 3325.

BCIS 4370 IS Management and Capstone Project

This course requires students to apply IS project management principles and techniques in a software project setting. Students will also apply systems development techniques while completing a comprehensive project pertinent to their area of study. Project concepts will be discussed with, and approved by, the instructor before commencing the project. Prerequisites: BCIS 3325 and senior standing. Lab fee.


BCIS 4395 Internship in BCIS

This course permits students to enhance their knowledge within their major field of BCIS specialization (Multimedia and Information Technology or Business Computer Information Systems) through application of concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. It consists of supervised paid or unpaid activity as a professional-level intern for an employer with an approved internship program. Application must be approved prior to registration. Prerequisites: Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in major and overall, and written consent of the Associate Dean prior to registration. Administration fee.