CISC - Computer Science

CISC 1305 Introduction to Computing

The course examines the various aspects of Computer and Engineering Sciences. Topics will include the basic concepts of structured programming, structured systems design and development alternatives, systems environments, hardware organization and architecture, telecommunications, operating systems, computer graphics design, technology training, and multimedia. Lab fee.


CISC 2315 Discrete Structures of Computer & Engineering Sciences

A foundational course designed to introduce students to the concepts of discrete structures for Computer Science and to prepare them for courses that will utilize the methods they have mastered. Students will have practical experience using various discrete structure techniques to solve problems in Computer Science. Topics covered will be propositional and predicate logic, inference, functions, Boolean algebra, combinational digital logic, discrete probability, finite state machines and computability. Topics also covered are sets, recursive programs, graphs, trees, and lists. Prerequisite: CISC 1305 or ENGR 1320. Lab Fee.


CISC 2330 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

A foundational course designed to be a first course in object–oriented programming. The emphasis is on basic structured programming techniques including program design, problem-solving and data manipulation. Students will use the “Java” programming language to facilitate learning. Prerequisite: CISC 1305 or ENGR 1320. Lab fee.


CISC 3321 Object Oriented Development

The course introduces students to intermediate topics involved in developing object-oriented systems. Students are expected to develop working knowledge of classes with Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) tools. Non-programming techniques to solve problems, i.e., algorithms, will be emphasized in this course. Students will use the “C++” programming language to facilitate learning. Lab fee. Prerequisite: CISC 2330.


CISC 3322 Web Development

The study of the concepts and techniques used in the development of web applications, with an emphasis on the client-side web technologies. Topics include HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Prerequisites, CISC 2330. Lab fee.


CISC 3323 Algorithms & Data Structures

This course is a systematic study of the techniques used to develop quality-programming designs. Using the Python programming language, students will learn to 1) develop data structures such as stacks, queues, lists, and trees, graphs and 2) use programming algorithms that involve searching, sorting and recursion. Prerequisite: CISC 2315. Lab Fee.


CISC 3325 Telecommunications & Networks

The course covers telecommunications, network terminology, and specific standards employed to create and maintain networks both locally, nationally, and globally. Topics covered include the ISO model, World Wide Web, network topologies, protocols, and security. Prerequisite: CISC 2315. Lab Fee.


CISC 3341 Operating Systems

Introduction to theoretical concepts embedded in modern operating systems and utilized historically by the computer industry serve as the foundation of the course. Workstation, and server operating systems, i.e. MS Windows, and Linux, will be discussed. Topics include process and inter-process management, main and virtual memory, algorithms to control critical region and deadlocks. Lab fee. Prerequisite: CISC 2315 and CISC 2330.


CISC 3360 Computer Organization &Architecture

The course will introduce PC microprocessor structures and the instruction set, addressing techniques, relocation, binding, and parameter passing. The course will also cover gates, registers, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders, multipliers, busses, memory, I/O devices and interfaces, clocks, cycles, control signals. Lab fee. Prerequisite: CISC 2315 and CISC 2330.


CISC 3390 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidance of a faculty member. Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4, or sophomore through senior level, respectively. One to four hours of credit. Lab fee. Administration fee. Prerequisite: Written consent of the supervising professor, department chairperson, and Dean prior to registration.


CISC 4310 Artificial Intelligence

This course introduces students to the field of artificial intelligence (AI) through investigation of some of the basic structures in use. As AI is becoming ever more prevalent in a variety of industries, such as the automotive, aerospace, technology, industrial design and gaming industries, a diverse selection of AI strategies will be considered. Topics to be covered include automatons, decision structures, Bayesian networks, machine learning, and neural networks. Students will build AI agents to solve simple problems . Prerequisites: CISC 3323.


CISC 4321 Advanced Object-Oriented Development

The course addresses the issues involved in developing advanced object-oriented systems. Students develop an object oriented application system with CASE tools and Object-Oriented Technologies (OOTS). Prerequisite:  CISC 3321. Lab fee.

CISC 4323 Structured Design of Software

The course introduces the software engineering topic of structured design of software. Prerequisite: CISC 3323. Lab fee.


CISC 4324 Network Security

The course introduces the topic of security in the context of computer networks. The course examines topics such as authentication, intrusion detection, firewalls, risk assessment, and integrity of data transmitted over the internet. Prerequisite: CISC 3325. Lab fee.


CISC 4325 Network Security II: Cryptography

The course introduces the topics of cryptography in the context of computer network security. Students examine topics such as basic key encryption, message integrity, hashing functions, public keys, encryption, digital signature, authentication, key and wireless computing. Prerequisite: CISC 3325. Lab fee.


CISC 4327 Database Theory and Application

Introduction to database systems. Relational database topics include data modeling, query languages, database design, and query optimization. Alternative data management approaches will be converted including semi-structured data, XML, and text retrieval. Application topics will include web data management, integration of data sources, security, and data mining. Prerequisites:  CISC 3322. Lab fee.   


CISC 4328 Computer Security

This course provides a broad introduction to the theory and practice of computer systems security. Topics include operating system security, computer application security (e.g., Web, Email), software security, malicious software, and security issues in mobile computing. Prerequisites: CISC 3341.


CISC 4335 Big Data

This course will examine the theories and applications to analyze the big data. It will introduce the big data cloud computing environment and various applications such as Hadoop, Spark and Hive that can be integrated with  various database systems and machine learning algorithms. Lab fee. Prerequisite: CISC 3323. Lab fee.

CISC 4340 Data Analysis and Visualization

This course will examine various data types and methods to analyze and visualize the data. It will cover the data pipeline: data collection, cleaning, exploration, modeling, visualization and applications. Lab fee. Prerequisite: CISC 3323. Lab fee.

CISC 4347 Graphics Programming

The course will cover the basic algorithms, techniques, principles for design, use and understanding of graphical display. Students will implement two-dimensional renderings of mathematical and scientific data as well as photo-realistic objects. In addition, design of Graphical User Interface (GUI) will be covered. Prerequisites: CISC 3321. Lab fee.


CISC 4349 Graphical Games Programming

In this course, students work both independently, and in groups, to develop, either from the scratch or template, meaningful graphical games using the JAVA language. Students study various graphical game engines & techniques, i.e. real-time 2D/3D graphics, lighting, terrain and texture mapping, visibility and occlusion, collision detection and avoidance, character animation, and Artificial Intelligence characters. We will explore two-dimensional and three-dimensional renderings of mathematical and scientific data (such as fractals), as well as photo-realistic objects using C++. Important notice: At least fifteen (15) contact hours, as well as a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework is required for each credit hour. Mode of delivery will consist of lectures and lab work. Prerequisite: CISC 3321 or equivalent. Lab fee.

CISC 4352 System Programming

The course examines various components of supervisory systems: assembler, linker, loader, monitors, interrupts, processors, I/O routines, etc. Particular emphasis will be given to applying the concepts of computer architecture to graphical programming. Prerequisite: CISC 3360 or ENGR 3337. Lab fee.


CISC 4370 Computer Science & Engineering Ethics Seminar

The "cap-stone" course for all CS majors begins with a seminar-style discussion of crucial aspects of computer ethics. In light of these discussions, students will then employ development techniques in the design and implementation of a hardware/software solution for a current topic of Computer Science. Prerequisite: A Junior-standing CSE major and WRIT 3344. Lab fee.


CISC 4390 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidance of a faculty member. Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4, or sophomore through senior level, respectively. One to four hours of credit. Lab fee. Administration fee. Prerequisite: Written consent of the supervising professor, department chairperson, and Dean prior to registration.


CISC 4395 Internship

This course permits students to enhance their knowledge within a field of Computer Science specialization through application of concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. The course will consist of supervised unpaid or paid work as a professional-level intern for an employer with an approved internship program. Application must be approved prior to registration. Prerequisites: written consent of department chairperson. Administration fee required.