BUS 302 Professional Development Internship

Students attend P4 workshops and career development activities in their Junior year. Students will plan and lead a service project in the community, participate in networking events, and have an internship experience. Each student will arrange an internship experience of at least 40 hours. (Graded on a pass/no pass basis.  IP grade allowed.) Fee: $50.



BUS 202, Junior status.

BUS 305 Business Finance

Emphasizes the goal of value maximization and the financing, investment, and dividend decisions that lead to it. Topics include cash flow analysis, financial mathematics, capital budgeting, financial leverage, investment risk analysis, valuation of bonds and common stock, cost of capital to the firm, and dividend payout policies.



BUS 209, EGR 360 or MTH 161

BUS 310 Intermediate Accounting I

Examines theoretical issues involving the valuing, classifying, recording, and reporting of accounting transactions related to asset and revenue recognition. Includes the analysis of financial statements, in particular the statement of financial position and statement of profit and loss.



BUS 210, Junior status.


BUS 365 reccommended.

BUS 311 Intermediate Accounting II

Examines theoretical issues involving the valuing, classifying, recording, and reporting of accounting transactions related to liabilities and equity. Includes the analysis of financial statements, in particular the statement of financial position, the statement of changes in stockholder's equity, and the statement of cash flows.



BUS 310

BUS 312 Cost Accounting

Develops analytical skills used in cost and managerial accounting that are used for internal decision-making as distinct from external financial accounting. Topics include: the accountant's role in the organization, cost terms and purposes, cost-volume profit analysis, job costing, activity based costing, budgeting, variance analysis, direct costing and other relevant information for decision making.



BUS 210

BUS 330 Managerial Finance

Provides a conceptual and theoretical treatment to topics such as the role of risk in asset pricing, capital structure, currency-risk management, and dividend policy. Considers the function of finance in relation to the overall objectives of the organization.



BUS 305

BUS 354 Decision Modeling Lab

This optional lab serves as a complement to BUS 355. The lab time is used to clarify student questions, help students with Excel and statistical analysis software skills required to be successful in business, and provide feedback concerning assignments. There will not be any additional graded topics covered in the lab beyond those covered in BUS 355.



BUS 355

BUS 355 Decision Modeling

Develops understanding of quantitative decision making by considering problems in accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, operations, and strategic business management. Examines the impact of uncertainty on business results and the tools and methods useful in making business decisions under uncertainty. Stresses use of Microsoft Excel and statistical software in business analysis.



MTH 161 or EGR 360. BUS 255 strongly recommended.

BUS 356 Database Management

Examines how database technology supports business objectives and information technology initiatives. Focuses on the design and implementation of a business database using the relational database model and database life cycle methodology. Covers database skills including data flow diagrams, entity-relationship models, object-oriented modeling, e-business/internet integration, and database implementation skills in using Microsoft Access, Oracle, and Structural Query Language.



BUS 255

BUS 360 Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior

Increases student understanding of human behavior in organizations and across cultures. Students gain a systematic understanding of cultural differences across and within nations and the impact thereof on business practice and managerial behavior. Topics include cultural sensitivity, communication, negotiations, values, motivation, teamwork, conflict management, decision-making, and leadership.



Junior status.

BUS 361 Technology and Operations Management

Develops quantitative and theoretical knowledge of issues related to the design and management of operations and technology. Develops student understanding of the strategic importance and competitive market-place advantage from operations.



BUS 355 or permission of instructor, Junior status.

BUS 362 Technology and Operations Management Lab

This optional lab serves as a complement to BUS 361. The lab time is used to clarify student questions, help students with Excel and statistical analysis software skills required to be successful in business, and provide feedback concerning assignments. There will not be any additional graded topics covered in the lab beyond those covered in BUS 361.



BUS 361

BUS 364 Innovation

Examines the key elements of innovation generation and managing innovation from both individual/team and organizational perspectives. Positions successful innovation outcomes as contributing to a firm's competitive advantage. Explores innovation as a creative problem-solving capability that is applied to a wide variety of market opportunities and social/institutional challenges.



Junior status. BUS 360 recommended.

BUS 365 Accounting Information Systems

Evaluates the design, implementation, and control of accounting information systems. Topics include understanding and documenting transaction cycles, evaluating internal control environment, and using resources-events-agents (REA) method to model information systems.



BUS 210, BUS 255, Junior status.


BUS 310 recommended.

BUS 370 Marketing Research

Surveys the field of marketing research, defined as all activities that provide information to guide marketing decisions. Provides understanding about informational objectives, data sources, design and implementation of data collection procedures, analysis of data, and presentation of results.



BUS 200, MTH 161, Junior status.

BUS 371 Consumer Behavior

Provides an in-depth examination of the internal mental processes and external factors that shape consumers' responses to marketing strategies, purchase decisions, and product usage behavior. Emphasizes application of core concepts to marketing decisions.



BUS 200, Junior status.

BUS 376 Sustainable Marketing

Explores the roles of marketing in a sustainable society. Sustainable marketing has two imperatives: 1) to conduct itself in way that advances an organization's economic success while creating a positive impact on society and the environment, and 2) to help bring about a society that values and practices social and environmental sustainability in all its behaviors.



BUS 200, Junior status.

BUS 385 Opportunity Assessment

Examines the identification, creation, and assessment of opportunities that can produce economic and/or social value. Examines the key processes for assessing the feasibility and attractiveness of an opportunity, and the key processes and resources required to pursue and exploit an opportunity.



BUS 200, Junior status.

BUS 391 Seminar

In the semesters in which offered, varying subject matter as business faculty deems appropriate for needs of the student in meeting the objectives of the undergraduate business program.

Credit arranged.