Comparative Politics

Prerequisite: POL 201 or permission of instructor.

POL 465 Democratization

This course explores the theories and practice of democratic transition and consolidation in the international system. What does increased democratization mean for international relations and what obstacles remain to its consolidation? Both the cultural and civic elements of democratic consolidation as well as the institutional elements that shape the character, effectiveness, and legitimacy of democracies will be explored.


POL 205 or permission of instructor.

POL 470 Comparative Immigration

This course explores the politics of migration and immigrant populations. National and international constraints and opportunities structure the position and status of immigrants. We compare the economic, political, and social organization of immigrant groups across countries, and study the effects of immigration, housing, education, and economic policies for immigrant adaptation.



POL 201 or permssion of the instructor.

POL 474 Politics of Terrorism

This course explores terrorism as a political strategy. Terrorism is unique in contrast with other types of negotiation and other types of state-society and inter state engagement. Students will weigh the implications of this modern weapon through the lens of theories about the nation-state, minority rights, revolution and their own moral theories.



POL 205

POL 490 Directed Study

Individual study under the direction of a member of the political science department, with the approval of the chairman.


POL 491 Seminar

Credit arranged.


POL 492 Seminar

Credit arranged.


POL 495 Workshop

Credit arranged.


POL 496 Workshop

Credit arranged.


POL 497 Internship

Internships are individually arranged and may be done at the national, state, or local levels of government. Students will be required to supplement their field experience with appropriate readings arranged with the instructor prior to registration along with a required research project in the area of the internship.


POL 499 Senior Thesis

Research, study, or original work under the direction of a faculty mentor, leading to a scholarly thesis document with a public presentation of results. Requires approval of thesis director, department chair, dean, and the director of the honors program, when appropriate.



Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in the thesis area, or good standing in the honors program.