Introductory Courses

POL 200 Introduction to United States Politics

Introduction to the national politics of the United States. Emphasis on the constitutional framework, formal and informal political institutions, the evolving conception of individual freedom and civil rights, the role of the people in a democracy, and an overview of the United States political system.


POL 201 Introduction to International Relations

This course introduces the students to the world of international conflict and cooperation. A broad framework is presented to understand how global forces and events influence our lives. The basic political traditions of western civilization are examined and an attempt is made to understand how they influence roles within the global system.


POL 203 Introduction to Political Theory

This course introduces students to the major political theories and ideologies that shape our understanding of politics, including: democracy, liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, fascism, radical Islamism, feminism, ecologism, and nationalism. Students will read both contemporary political theory writings as well as excerpts from the classic works that were key in the development of the theories we will study.


POL 205 World Politics

This course provides an introduction to the substantive and theoretical analysis of modern foreign governments and relations between states from a comparative perspective. Students address cases, theories, and the methodological tools that political scientists use to study them. Concepts include power, interdependence, war and peace, economic competition and integration, economic and social development, human rights and the environment.


POL 270 Development of European Political Systems

Historical study of political systems from the French Revolution to World War II. (Salzburg only.)


POL 290 Directed Study

Credit arranged.


POL 292 University Mock Trial Team

Collegiate mock trial competitions. Students are instructed in the how and why of case preparation as an advocate for either side; role playing as witnesses and trial attorney; understanding and using the rules of evidence; actual trial advocacy; research and delivering arguments.