Graduate Courses

The Department of Mathematics does not offer graduate degree programs, but does offer courses thay may apply toward graduate programs in education or engineering. The following courses are available and offered annually or in alternate years.

MTH 501 Real Analysis I

A rigorous treatment of properties of the real numbers and functions of a single real variable. Topics include completeness, limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, and sequences. Additional topics may include series, an introduction to Euclidean or metric spaces.



MTH 311

MTH 502 Real Analysis II

Topics may include sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence, Fourier series, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, and functions in several variables.



MTH 501

MTH 504 Introduction to Complex Variables

Complex numbers and functions of a complex variable; limits, differentiability; Cauchy's theorem; power series, Laurent series, residue theorem with applications, maximum modulus theorem, Liouville's theorem; conformal mapping and applications.



MTH 401

MTH 535 Topology

An introduction to fundamental concepts in point-set topology. Topics are taken from the following: open and closed sets, continuity, connectedness, compactness, separability, metric spaces.



MTH 311

MTH 541 Modern Algebra I

The study of algebraic structures that are like the integers, polynomials, and the rational numbers. The integers and their properties. Groups: examples, properties, and counting theorems. Rings: examples and properties. Fields: roots of polynomials and field extensions.



MTH 311, MTH 341

MTH 542 Modern Algebra II

Unique factorization in special rings. Field theory and the use of groups to understand field extensions: finite fields, Galois theory. Classical construction problems, solution of n-th degree polynomials.



MTH 541

MTH 561 Probability and Statistics I

Probability, discrete, and continuous random variables, expectation, important probability distributions, introduction to sampling, estimation, and hypothesis testing.



MTH 301, MTH 341

MTH 562 Probability and Statistics II

Topics from simple linear and multiple regression, analysis of variance and design of experiments, methods for categorical data, distribution-free methods.



MTH 561