GRM 301 German Conversation and Composition

Broad variety of activities and reading materials are used together with partner, group, and individualized approaches to develop conversational proficiency, improve accuracy in writing and speaking, and expand active and passive vocabulary. Conducted in German.


GRM 302 German Conversation and Composition

Broad variety of activities and reading materials are used together with partner, group, and individualized approaches to develop conversational proficiency, improve accuracy in writing and speaking, and expand active and passive vocabulary. Conducted in German.


GRM 311 Advanced Conversation and Composition

Students will increase the proficiency of their receptive and productive skills in German through a variety of activities and materials, including tasks allowing students to engage with local culture and customs. At the end of their year in Salzburg, students take an internationally recognized stadardized test and receive a certificate. (Salzburg only.)



GRM 202 or GRM 207 or equivalent.

GRM 312 Advanced Conversation and Composition

Students will increase the proficiency of their receptive and productive skills in German through a variety of activities and materials, including tasks allowing students to engage with local culture and customs. At the end of their year in Salzburg, students take an internationally recognized stadardized test and receive a certificate. (Salzburg only.)



GRM 202 or GRM 207 or equivalent.

GRM 353 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis

This course is intended as a scaffold between the GRM 301-GRM 302 sequence and the 400-level. By reading a variety of texts, students will strengthen their reading skills, practice close analysis, and begin to work with literary theory. This course will continue to build on students' existing vocabulary and grammar knowledge with the goal of greater precision in writing in preparation for the 400-level.



GRM 301 or GRM 311

GRM 354 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis

This course is intended as a scaffold between the GRM 301-GRM 302 sequence and the 400-level. By reading a variety of texts, students will strengthen their reading skills, practice close analysis, and begin to work with literary theory. This course will continue to build on students’ existing vocabulary and grammar knowledge with the goal of greater precision in writing in preparation for the 400-level.



GRM 301 or GRM 311

GRM 355 Advanced Conversation and Composition and Austrian Images

This course allows students who have completed two 300-level courses prior to study in Salzburg to improve the accuracy of their written and spoken proficiency in German. Along with classroom activities, students will engage with the local culture and customs. At the end of their year in Salzburg, students will take an internationally recognized standardized test and receive a certificate. (Salzburg only.)


GRM 302 or equivalent.

GRM 356 Advanced Conversation and Composition and Austrian Images

This course allows students, who have completed two 300-level courses prior to study in Salzburg, to improve the accuracy of their written and spoken proficiency in German. Along with classroom activities, students will engage with the local culture and customs. At the end of their year in Salzburg, students will take an internationally recognized standardized test and receive a certificate. (Salzburg only.)


GRM 302 or equivalent.

GRM 381 Language Learner Strategies in the Classroom and Beyond

Participants will become familiar with how experts in the field consider the language learning process and how theories of second language acquisition connect to their own efforts to learn a foreign language. More importantly, participants will reframe how they go about learning a foreign language, try new strategies, and document what they have done through a diary research project.


GRM 390 Directed Study

Credit arranged.
