Rank and Tenure


The rank and tenure processes of the University are designed to encourage and recognize the professional and personal growth of faculty, enhance the educational experience of students, ensure academic freedom, and provide a stable employment environment.

  1. Definitions


    Academic rank is a title assigned by the rank and tenure process based on a faculty member’s scholastic achievement, teaching success, years of experience, and professional involvement. Academic titles, from Instructor to Emeritus Professor, are conferred by the University through ongoing evaluation of a faculty member’s contributions to students, the University, and the wider community.


    Tenure is the status of holding a faculty position on a secure basis granted in consideration of contribution to departmental and university goals. Tenure protects academic freedom and provides a sufficient degree of economic security to make the profession attractive to persons with appropriate qualifications and proven ability.

  2. Criteria

    Advancement in rank or tenure is based on consideration of a candidate’s professional and personal qualities outlined in Responsibilities.

    Advancement in rank or tenure is not automatic and is not solely determined by the number of years of teaching experience or university employment. Neither does administrative position or responsibility automatically bestow rank or tenure.

  3. Documents

    For all rank and tenure reviews, except for one-year appointments and Emeritus Professor advancements, faculty are required to submit dossiers for Rank and Tenure evaluation. For advancement to Emeritus Professor, the department chair or representative provides a letter of nomination to the Rank and Tenure Committee.

    A complete dossier is composed of a vitae, self-assessment, and departmental recommendation, as well as evaluations from the department chair/school dean, peers, and students, which document how the faculty member has met the responsibilities listed in Responsibilities. Forms for dossier submission are authorized and maintained by the Rank and Tenure Committee (see Appendix G.1: Dossier Forms). Course evaluation forms are authorized and maintained by the Chief Academic Officer. Definitions of scholarship activity and criteria for evaluating scholarship are approved by the faculty and maintained by the Rank and Tenure Committee (see Appendix G.2: Definitions and Evaluation of Scholarship Activity Rank).

    In cases where a department chair or school dean is reviewed for academic rank and/or tenure, the Chief Academic Officer, in consultation with the department, conducts the evaluation and provides the written departmental recommendation.

    For candidates advancing through one-year appointments, see Procedure for the Continuation of Appointments.

  4. Confidentiality

    The review process for rank or tenure consideration is confidential. Officers and committee members associated with the rank or tenure process make every reasonable effort to ensure that a candidate’s confidentiality is protected.

    Submissions and comments to the Rank and Tenure Committee are not provided to the candidate if access has been waived by the candidate.

  5. Rights and Responsibilities

    Throughout all rank and tenure processes, the faculty member has a right to fair and equitable treatment. Formal processes for handling grievances are outlined in 1.8 Grievance.

    The department chair has the right to review the faculty member’s current rank and tenure dossier.

    The institution has the right to initiate review or dismissal proceedings in accordance with board-approved policies (see Review of Tenured Faculty).

  6. Initial Placement

    The department chair recommends initial placement of rank and tenure (or non-tenured rank) for a new faculty member to the Rank and Tenure Committee. If the new faculty member is entering as department chair, the Chief Academic Officer recommends the placement. The Rank and Tenure Committee then recommends the placement to the President. In consultation with the Chief Academic Officer, the President makes a formal appointment subject to confirmation by the Board of Trustees.

  7. Submission and Review Schedule

    By December 1 of each year, the Rank and Tenure Committee (see 3.2.17 Rank and Tenure Committee) notifies all faculty members of their current rank and tenure status and eligibility to apply for advancement. Response forms, indicating a faculty member’s intent to submit a dossier for advancement in rank or tenure consideration, are due by December 15 of each year. Complete dossiers must be submitted by the first Monday in July. The Rank and Tenure Committee is responsible for reviewing dossiers within one year of submission. Promotions take effect at the beginning of the next fiscal year (see 3.2.17 Rank and Tenure Committee).

  8. Consideration, Notification and Records

    After reviewing each dossier (or letter for a one-year appointment and Emeritus Professor advancement), the Rank and Tenure Committee submits its recommendations to the President.

    Subsequently, the President, in consultation with the Chief Academic Officer, recommends candidates for advancement to the Board of Trustees for ratification. Following board action, the Chief Academic Officer informs each candidate, in writing, of the board’s action and schedules a conference to share the recommendations of the Rank and Tenure Committee.

    For one-year appointment reviews, see Procedure for the Continuation of Appointments.

    Recommendations for advancement to three-year appointments, advancement to permanent tenure, and all advancements in rank require action by the Board of Trustees. Post-tenure reviews of tenured faculty are not submitted to the Board.

    Following review by the President, the Chief Academic Officer presents the committee’s recommendations to the faculty member in a scheduled conference.

    The Chief Academic Officer’s written summary of the post-review conference goes to the candidate, the department chair, and the candidate’s permanent file in the academic administration office and becomes a part of the faculty member's next dossier submission. Any written response to the summary by the faculty member or chair is filed in the candidate’s permanent file.