Review of Tenured Faculty


After receiving tenure, a faculty member is reviewed by the Rank and Tenure Committee every four years. If, in the opinion of the faculty member's department chair or school dean, a tenured faculty member's performance is significantly below expectation for two consecutive performance evaluations, he or she will be required to participate in an immediate tenure review. Upon notification, each faculty member submits a complete dossier to the Rank and Tenure Committee.


The Rank and Tenure Committee seeks to encourage faculty development by reviewing each tenured faculty member using its regular processes. The review can lead to two possible results:

  1. Standard Performance

    Standard performance is defined as performance comparable to that expected of other tenured faculty members. If the Rank and Tenure Committee finds that the faculty member is maintaining standard performance, the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) communicates the results of the committee’s deliberations to the faculty member according to regular process.

  2. Sub-Standard Performance

    Sub-standard performance is defined as performance lacking in those qualities deemed essential for tenured faculty. If the Rank and Tenure Committee finds that the faculty member’s performance has been sub-standard,

    1. The committee prepares a formal list of concerns. The CAO holds a conference with the faculty member and his or her department chair or school dean to discuss the committee's concerns. The CAO follows up with a written summary of the conference, which will include the formal list of concerns.

    2. In consultation with the CAO and department chair or school dean the faculty member develops specific steps for improvement in a Professional Growth Plan. The Rank and Tenure Committee may recommend another faculty member to provide assistance. A preliminary plan noting intensive short-term steps toward remediation is to be submitted to the department chair or school dean and to the CAO within one month of the conference. 

    3. The faculty member is then reviewed by the committee the following year. If the faculty member’s performance has progressed to the standard level, no further action is taken and the faculty member restarts the regular four-year review cycle. If the faculty member's performance has not progressed to the standard level, further action is taken in accordance with the policy for termination.