1.1.3 Structure of the Governance System


The shared governance system of the University is composed of the following major governance bodies:

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has the responsibility to set general University policy in such areas as institutional mission, large capital investments, and tuition and fees. In consultation with representatives of administration, faculty, staff, and students, the Board appoints administrators. The Board approves faculty, chair/dean, and tenure appointments.


Administration has the responsibility to allocate human and financial resources to carry out policies set by the Board of Trustees, to ensure the effective delivery of the curriculum and services, and to maintain the infrastructure. The University President has primary responsibility for establishing the strategic plan of the University.

Administrators should engage the university governance system for input on academic planning and policy decisions that affect faculty, staff, or students. In urgent situations demanding immediate administrative action, administrators should seek input from University Master Planning Committee. Administrators are responsible for communicating and explaining decisions to faculty, staff, and students.

University Assembly

The University Assembly is the parent body for shared governance and has ultimate authority to veto or refer actions of governance bodies that are responsible to it.

University Senate

The University Senate is the primary legislative body of the University. Actions of the University Senate not vetoed or referred by University Assembly become formal recommendations to the President as chief officer of the University and representative to the Board of Trustees.

Subject to the approval of the President, the Senate shall have the authority and responsibility to

  1. Implement curricula, degree requirements, admission and retention requirements, and other matters relating directly to the academic program
  2. Formulate and recommend policies with respect to those student activities that relate directly to the academic process
  3. Formulate and recommend requirements for appointments, evaluation, tenure, and promotion of faculty
  4. Represent faculty and staff to the administration by reviewing academic initiative and making recommendations
  5. Delegate tasks to appropriate governance committees and create ad hoc committees as needed