1.8.2 Initial Conflict Resolution Process


Persons with grievances should first seek to resolve their disagreements privately with the person(s) involved. In doing so, they may choose to consult with the ombudsman to help resolve the issue(s). If a grievance is not resolved in this manner within a reasonable time, persons with grievances should seek to resolve their disagreements by appealing to the appropriate supervisor, administrator, or committee by taking the steps as outlined in the table below. If any individual listed in these procedures is directly involved in the disagreement, the process proceeds to the next step.


Person Issue Pertaining To Step 1 Step 2
Undergraduate Students
  Courses or Instructors Dept. Chair or Dean Academic Standards Committee
  Academic Policies/Procedures Registrar Academic Standards Committee
  Student Employment Dept. Head VP Finance
Graduate Students
  Courses or Instructors Dept. Chair or Dean Graduate Council
  Academic Policies/Procedures AVP Graduate Studies Graduate Council
  Student Employment Dept. Head VP Finance
  Any Dept. Chair or Dean VP Academic Admin.
  Any Dept. Head Supervising VP
  Any Supervisor