Paralegal Technology A.A.S.
The Paralegal Technology curriculum prepares individuals to work under the supervision of attorneys by performing routine legal tasks and assisting with substantive legal work. A paralegal/legal assistant may not practice law, give legal advice, or represent clients in a court of law.
Coursework includes substantive and procedural legal knowledge in the areas of civil litigation, legal research and writing, real estate, family law, wills, estates, trusts, and commercial law. Required courses also include subjects such as English, mathematics, and computer utilization.
Graduates are trained to assist attorneys in probate work, investigations, public records search, drafting and filing legal documents, research, and office management. Employment opportunities are available in private law firms, governmental agencies, banks, insurance agencies, and other business organizations. Students should consult their advisor for information about course scheduling.
Western Piedmont’s Paralegal Program has been recognized by the North Carolina State Bar Paralegal Certification Board as a Qualified Paralegal Studies Program (QLSP).
Upon successful completion of this program, the student should be able to:
- Use written and oral discussion to discover and to articulate ideas (GE I.1)
- Identify and state problems, issues, arguments, and questions contained in a body of information (GE II.1)
- Demonstrate organization and documentation skills
- Demonstrate the ability to locate, retrieve, and interpret public records
- Demonstrate knowledge and application of the ethical standards of the practice of law
- Demonstrate legal research and writing skills
- Demonstrate and apply knowledge of relevant substantive and procedural authority
General Education
Required Courses
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ENG 112 | Writing/Research in the Disc | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ENG 114 | Prof Research & Reporting | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
MAT 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Humanities/Fine Arts
Select 3 SHC from the following
ART 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 113 | Art Methods and Materials | 3 | |
ART 114 | Art History Survey I | 3 | FA, SP |
ART 115 | Art History Survey II | 3 | SP |
ART 116 | Survey of American Art | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 117 | Non-Western Art History | 3 | |
ART 121 | Two-Dimensional Design | 3 | FA, SP |
ART 131 | Drawing I | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 132 | Drawing II | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 171 | Computer Art I | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 240 | Painting I | 3 | FA, SP |
ART 241 | Painting II | 3 | SP |
ART 244 | Watercolor | 3 | SU |
ART 260 | Photography Appreciation | 3 | |
ART 261 | Photography I | 3 | FA, SP |
ART 271 | Computer Art II | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 281 | Sculpture I | 3 | SP |
ART 283 | Ceramics I | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 288 | Studio | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ART 289 | Museum Study | 3 | SP |
COM 140 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication | 3 | |
DRA 111 | Theatre Application | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
DRA 112 | Literature of the Theatre | 3 | FA |
DRA 120 | Voice for Performance | 3 | SP |
DRA 122 | Oral Interpretation | 3 | FA, SP |
DRA 124 | Readers Theatre | 3 | |
DRA 126 | Storytelling | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
DRA 128 | Children's Theatre | 3 | FA, SP |
DRA 130 | Acting I | 3 | FA |
ENG 125 | Creative Writing I | 3 | |
ENG 231 | American Literature I | 3 | FA, SP |
ENG 232 | American Literature II | 3 | FA, SP |
ENG 241 | British Literature I | 3 | FA, SU |
ENG 242 | British Literature II | 3 | FA, SP |
ENG 251 | Western World Literature I | 3 | FA |
ENG 252 | Western World Literature II | 3 | SP |
ENG 271 | Contemporary Literature | 3 | |
ENG 272 | Southern Literature | 3 | |
ENG 273 | African-American Literature | 3 | FA |
ENG 274 | Literature By Women | 3 | |
HUM 110 | Technology and Society | 3 | |
HUM 120 | Cultural Studies | 3 | |
HUM 130 | Myth in Human Culture | 3 | |
HUM 160 | Introduction to Film | 3 | FA, SP |
HUM 230 | Leadership Development | 3 | SP |
MUS 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP |
MUS 112 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 | |
MUS 113 | American Music | 3 | |
MUS 210 | History of Rock Music | 3 | SP |
MUS 211 | History of Country Music | 3 | SP |
PHI 210 | History of Philosophy | 3 | FA, SP |
PHI 240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
REL 110 | World Religions | 3 | FA, SP |
REL 211 | Introduction to Old Testament | 3 | FA, SP |
REL 212 | Introduction to New Testament | 3 | FA, SP |
Social/Behavorial Science
Select 3 SHC from the following
ANT 210 | General Anthropology | 3 | |
ANT 220 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | |
ANT 240 | Archaeology | 3 | |
ECO 151 | Survey of Economics | 3 | FA, SP |
ECO 251 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | FA, SU |
ECO 252 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 | SP, SU |
GEO 111 | World Regional Geography | 3 | |
GEO 112 | Cultural Geography | 3 | |
HIS 111 | World Civilizations I | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
HIS 112 | World Civilizations II | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
HIS 116 | Current World Problems | 3 | |
HIS 131 | American History I | 3 | FA |
HIS 132 | American History II | 3 | SP |
HIS 162 | Women and History | 3 | |
HIS 221 | African-American History | 3 | |
HIS 236 | North Carolina History | 3 | |
HIS 260 | History of Africa | 3 | |
HIS 261 | East Asian History | 3 | |
HIS 262 | Middle East History | 3 | |
POL 120 | American Government | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
POL 130 | State & Local Government | 3 | |
POL 210 | Comparative Government | 3 | |
POL 220 | International Relations | 3 | |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
PSY 239 | Psychology of Personality | 3 | |
PSY 241 | Developmental Psychology | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
PSY 243 | Child Psychology | 3 | |
PSY 246 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 | |
PSY 249 | Psychology of Aging | 3 | |
PSY 259 | Human Sexuality | 3 | |
PSY 263 | Educational Psychology | 3 | |
PSY 281 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
SOC 210 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
SOC 213 | Sociology of the Family | 3 | FA, SP |
SOC 220 | Social Problems | 3 | SP |
SOC 225 | Social Diversity | 3 | |
SOC 254 | Rural and Urban Sociology | 3 | |
Major Courses
Core Required Courses
Other Major Required Courses
ACC 120 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 4 | FA, SP, SU |
CIS 110 | Introduction to Computers | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
LEX 121 | Legal Research/Writing II | 3 | SP |
LEX 141 | Civil Litigation II | 3 | SP |
LEX 160 | Criminal Law & Procedure | 3 | FA |
LEX 211 | Real Property II | 3 | SP |
LEX 280 | Ethics & Professionalism | 2 | FA, SP |
LEX 286 | Medical Evidence Analysis | 2 | SP, SU |
General Elective
(Select 3 SHC from the following courses)
LEX 220 | Corporate Law | 2 | FA, SU |
LEX 260 | Bankruptcy and Collections | 3 | FA, SP |
LEX 270 | Law Office Mgt/Technology | 2 | SP |
LEX 285 | Workers' Compensation Law | 2 | FA, SP |
LEX 289 | U.S. Constitutional Law | 3 | FA, SP |
WBL XXX | Work-based Learning (up to 3 SHC) | | |
Total Credit Hours: 67