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Programs of Study
Volume XLVII - August 2014
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid
Academic Policies
Student Support Services
Campus Rules
College and Career Readiness
Workforce and Professional Development at WPCC
Media and Technology
Transfer Associate Degrees
Associate in Applied Science Degrees
Course Descriptions
ACA - Academic Related
ACC - Accounting
AGR - Agriculture
AHR - Air Cond, Heat & Ref
ALT - Alternative Energy Tech
ANS - Animal Science
ANT - Anthropology
ARC - Architecture
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Astronomy
BIO - Biology
BPR - Blueprint Reading
BUS - Business
CAR - Carpentry
CCT - Cyber Crime Technology
CEG- Civil Engineering & Geomatic
CET - Computer Engineering Tech
CHM - Chemistry
CIS - Information Systems
CIV - Civil Engineering
CJC - Criminal Justice
CMT - Construction Management
COM - Communication
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
CSC - Computer Science
CST - Construction
CTI - Computer Information Tech
CTS - Computer Information Tech
DBA - Database Management Tech
DDF - Design & Drafting
DEA - Digital Eff & Animation
DEN - Dental
DES - Design: Creative
DFT - Drafting
DMA - Developmental Math
DRA - Drama Theatre
DRE - Reading/English
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EGR - Engineering
ELC - Electrical
ELN - Electronics
ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Science
ETR - Entrepreneurship
FVP - Film and Video Production
GEL - Geology
GEO - Geography
GER - German
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
HEA - Health
HIS - History
HOR - Horticulture
HSE - Human Services
HUM - Humanities
HYD - Hydraulics
IPP - Interpeter Preparation
ISC - Industrial Science
LEX - Legal Education
MAC - Machining
MAS - Masonry
MAT - Mathematics
MEC - Mechanical
MED - Medical Assisting
MKT - Marketing and Retailing
MLT - Medical Laboratory Tech
MNT - Maintenance
MUS - Music
NET - Networking Technology
NOS - Networking Operating Syst
NUR - Nursing
OST - Office Systems Technology
PCC - ProfessionalCrafts: Clay
PCD - Professional Crafts: Design
PCI - Process Control Instrumentation
PCJ - Professional Crafts: Jewelry
PCR - Professional Crafts
PCS - Professional Crafts: Sculpture
PCW - Professional Crafts: Wood
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PLA - Plastics
PLU - Plumbing
POL - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SAB - Substance Abuse
SEC - Information Systems Security
SGD - Simulation & Game Development
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SRV - Surveying
SST - Sustainability Tech
TRE - Therapeutic Recreation
WAT - Water and Wastewater Trt.
WBL - Work-based Learning
WEB - Web Technologies
WLD - Welding
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WLD - Welding
WLD 110 Cutting Processes
WLD 111 Oxy-Fuel Welding
WLD 112 Basic Welding Processes
WLD 115 SMAW (stick) Plate
WLD 116 SMAW (stick) Plate/Pipe
WLD 122 GMAW (MIG) Plate/Pipe
WLD 131 GTAW (TIG) Plate
WLD 132 GTAW (TIG) Plate/Pipe
WLD 141 Symbols & Specifications
WLD 143 Welding Metallurgy
WLD 151 Fabrication I
WLD 221 GMAW (MIG) Pipe
WLD 261 Certification Practices
WLD 262 Inspection & Testing
WLD 265 Automated Welding/Cutting