2015-2016 Catalog

General Education

Vision Statement

General Education is that portion of the community college experience that develops the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary for a lifetime of inquiry, discovery, and responsible citizenship.

General Education Competencies and Learning Outcomes

Students completing the General Education component will acquire the following competencies:

I. Communication Skills

Written and oral communication skills, essential language and information sharing abilities are integral parts of every area and discipline. Students should be able to do the following:

  1. Use written and oral discussion to discover and to articulate ideas.
  2. Identify and analyze the audience and purpose for any intended communication.
  3. Choose language, style, technique, strategy, and organization appropriate to particular purposes, audiences, and occasions.
  4. Gather, evaluate, select, and organize information and document sources appropriately.
  5. Express a main idea or opinion as a thesis, hypothesis, or other appropriate statement.
  6. Develop a main idea clearly and concisely with appropriate content.
  7. Demonstrate mastery of the conventions of writing including grammar, spelling, and mechanics, and mastery of the conventions of speech, including speaking clearly and confidently, using the voice, volume, tone, and articulation appropriate to the audience and occasion.
  8. Demonstrate a proficiency in revision and editing in writing, a proficiency in summarization, and analysis and evaluation of oral communications.
  9. Develop a personal voice in communication.

II. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking, an analytical, creative, and agile process, is essential to every content area and discipline. Students should be able to do the following:

  1. Identify and state problems, issues, arguments, and questions contained in a body of information.
  2. Identify and analyze assumptions and underlying points of view relating to an issue or problem.
  3. Formulate research questions that require descriptive and expository analyses.
  4. Recognize and understand multiple modes of inquiry, including investigative methods based on observation and analysis.
  5. Evaluate problems, distinguishing relevant, objective and reliable facts, opinions, assumptions, and issues through the use of appropriate evidence.
  6. Apply problem solving techniques and skills, including the use of logic.
  7. Synthesize information from various sources, drawing appropriate conclusions and/or formulating creative or divergent solutions.
  8. Communicate clearly and concisely the methods and results of logical reasoning.
  9. Reflect upon and evaluate thought processes, value systems, and world views in comparison to those of others.

III. Information Literacy and Technology

Information retrieval and technology, practical and necessary skills, are integral parts of every area and discipline. Students should be able to do the following:

  1. Use print and electronic information and technology in an ethical and responsible manner.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of terminology, concepts, and operations of information retrieval and technology.
  3. Recognize, identify, and define information needs.
  4. Assess and retrieve information through print and electronic media, evaluating the accuracy and authenticity of that information.
  5. Create, manage, organize, and communicate information through print and electronic media.
  6. Recognize and employ emerging technologies.

IV. Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning

Quantitative and qualitative reasoning, the ability to think logically, calculate, and make evaluations, can have applications in every area and discipline. Students should be able to do the following:

  1. Apply numeric, graphic, and symbolic skills and other forms of quantitative and qualitative reasoning in an accurate and appropriate manner.
  2. Demonstrate mastery of mathematical and scientific concepts, skills, and applications, using technology when appropriate.
  3. Communicate clearly and concisely the methods and results of quantitative and qualitative problem solving.
  4. Formulate and test hypotheses using numerical and scientific experimentation.
  5. Define quantitative and qualitative issues and problems, gather relevant information, analyze that information, and present results.
  6. Assess the validity of statistical conclusions.

V. Interpersonal Skills and Human Relations

Interpersonal skills and human relations, the critical understanding of the individual’s self and relationship to others, are integral parts of the student’s development. Students should be able to do the following:

  1. Develop knowledge of self.
  2. Examine ethics, social responsibilities, and personal values.
  3. Communicate effectively and acknowledge opposing viewpoints.
  4. Acknowledge diverse perspectives and cultural values.
  5. Demonstrate attitudes and skills that promote success in the workplace.
  6. Work effectively and appropriately with others through collaboration and teamwork.

VI. Understanding Culture and Society

Understanding culture and society, an essential awareness of an informed citizen, is an important part of the student’s development. Students should be able to do the following:

  1. Formulate attitudes, values, and behaviors that promote responsible citizenship.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of social, economic, and political institutions.
  3. Analyze contemporary issues within the context of diverse disciplines.
  4. Develop a historical consciousness and a global perspective.
  5. Exhibit an awareness and appreciation for various artistic forms of expression.

VII. Wellness

Wellness, an important appreciation of life long health, is a vital part of the student’s development. Students should be able to do the following:

  1. Demonstrate an awareness of how lifetime fitness and /or skill based activities can promote and engender healthy lifestyles.
  2. Develop a greater understanding of how physical fitness can enhance the quality of life.

General Education incorporates many disciplines and recognizes the connections among bodies of knowledge. The General Education core of courses provides students with a breadth of knowledge by requiring 45 semester credit hours in the areas of communications, humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, natural sciences and mathematics.