Catalog 2021-2022

Discrimination or Harassment

Athens Technical College affirms to all students their right to student and learn in an educational environment free of discrimination or harassment based on their race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, veteran status, genetic information, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or required by law) (see Statement of Non-Discrimination).

Harassment is sometimes difficult to talk about to other people. It is uncomfortable and seems ambiguous; it is also something that the college is committed to preventing and resolving if it does occur. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Men and women, who believe they are victims of harassment, as well as those who observe harassment, should report such incidents at the earliest possible time.

College officials will not condone any form of harassment either by its employees or by another student. Any student acting alone or in concert with others who harasses other members of the college community is subject to disciplinary sanctions up to and including dismissal/expulsion. A student aggrieved by an employee of the college or by another student may contact the vice president for student affairs or the individuals identified in the statement of non-discrimination. Harassment includes:

  • Any slurs, innuendos, or other verbal or physical conduct reflecting an individual's race, color, national origin, gender/sex, religion, age, genetic information, or disability which has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile, intimidating, or offensive educational environment; has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's school performance or participation; or otherwise adversely affects an individual's educational opportunities.
  • The denial of or the provision of aid, benefits, grades, rewards, employment, faculty assistance, services, or treatment on the basis of sexual advances or requests for sexual favors.
  • Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the perpetrator explicitly or implicitly makes the submission to such conduct a term or condition of an individual's educational career; when the perpetrator uses submission to or rejection of such conduct as a basis for educational decisions affecting the individual; or when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.


Reporting Discrimination or Harassment


Athens Technical College takes all complaints regarding discrimination and/or harassment seriously. If you need to report a complaint regarding discrimination or harassment, please contact the appropriate college personnel listed below.

  • Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX (Employees) - Sherri Heath, Director of Human Resources, (706) 583-2818,, Room K-514A, Athens Campus, 800 U.S. Highway 29 North, Athens, GA 30601.
  • Title IX (Students) - Lenzy Reid, Vice President for Student Affairs, (706) 355-5124,, Room H-774, Athens Campus, 800 U.S. Highway 29 North, Athens, GA 30601.
  • Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Jessica Felts, Assistant Director of Student Support Services, (706) 583-2893,, Room K-614A, Athens Campus, 800 U.S. Highway 29 North, Athens, GA 30601.