Education Studies

Division VI Chair: M. Mendel-Reyes

Program Chair: P. Wong

Faculty: K. Akural, P. Wong, C. Richardson, J. Saderholm, B. Starnes, W. Warren, and A. Webb

Education Studies currently offers the following major programs: the B.A. in Education Studies for students interested in pursuing the study of education without certification; the B.A. in Education Studies with Elementary Certification P-5 for those who wish to become certified to teach at the Primary (P) through 5th grade level; the B.A. in Education Studies with Middle Grades Certification 5-9 for those who wish to become certified to teach at the 5th- through 9th-grade level in the areas of Mathematics or Science; and the B.A. in Teaching and Curriculum with Certification for students wishing to receive certification in the areas of art (P-12), biology (8-12), chemistry (8-12), English (8-12), history (8-12), mathematics (8-12), physics (8-12), social studies (8-12 for those wishing to major in sociology or history) or technology education (5-13).

Students interested in teaching may also pursue certification in the areas of vocal or instrumental music (P-12) and physical education and health. Specific requirements for these programs are listed under the appropriate academic program elsewhere within this Catalog , in addition to the information in the “Requirements for All Students Seeking Certification”, which follows.

Students seeking certification at all levels conclude their preparation with a professional Fall Term of Student Teaching and related activities.

Requirements for all Students Seeking Certification

Becoming a teacher requires that candidates meet specific criteria at stated points during the preparation process:

  1. admission to one of Berea’s Teacher Education Programs (TEP) typically in the fourth (4th) term and coinciding with admission to major;
  2. admission to Student Teaching in the eighth (8th) term;
  3. successful completion of Student Teaching in the ninth (9th) term; and
  4. recommendation for certification at the end of Student Teaching.

Criteria at these checkpoints include a Written Assessment or Portfolio that satisfactorily demonstrates students’ developing understandings, skills, and dispositions as they pertain to Berea’s TEP goals and to the Kentucky Education Professional Standard Board’s (EPSB’s) Kentucky Teacher Standards .

Specific Criteria for Admission to the Teacher Education Programs (Fourth Term)

For admission to a Teacher Education Program (TEP) at Berea, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate a commitment to high standards of academic effort and achievement, and a minimum 2.75 overall GPA.
  • Earn at least a B- in EDS 150 and EDS 227/228 or equivalent.
  • Submit in the fourth(4th) term: the Application to TEP; Health and Character Profile; signed Student Curriculum Contract; signed commitment to abide by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board's Code of Ethics for Kentucky Educators and show no evidence of willful failure to maintain that commitment; and three waivers allowing the unit to check academic, labor and student life for clearance of infractions. Exhibit proficiency in communication in all areas essential to teaching as displayed in classes, course work, written statements, and interviews. (Candidate's speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills are essential considerations in the Education Studies recommendation.)
  • Successful completion of the pre-professional skills assessments of basic knowledge delivered by the Educational Testing Services in the areas of mathematics, reading and writing.
  • Show no evidence or history of physical or psychological impairments that would preclude teaching success; no record of felonies or serious misdemeanors; no history of, nor existing problem with, substance abuse or chemical dependency.
  • Receive clearance that the candidate is not on academic, labor, or social probation.
  • Submit a satisfactory TEP Written Assessment typically in the fourth (4th) term, representing the candidate as an individual who intends to become a teacher. (See the TEP Written Assessment Guidelines for each certification area; and the Written Assessment Rubric for Admission to the TEP. )
  • Receive a favorable recommendation from Education Studies.

Additional specific expectations are embodied in the requirements of the TEP Written Assessment and the description of required courses in the candidate’s Curriculum Guide for each teacher certification.

Specific Criteria for Admission to Student Teaching (Eighth Term)

Stage I: Due at submission of written assessment during the pre-professional term in the eighth term (Spring Term):

  • Admission to a Teacher Education Program, and continued meeting of all requirements for admission to the TEP.
  • Demonstration of commitment to high standards of academic effort and achievement, with attainment of a minimum GPA of 2.50 in major, collateral, specialization, and Education Studies courses, and overall.
  • Demonstration of moral, social, and ethical behavior consistent with the values and commitments of Berea’s Teacher Education Programs and with the Kentucky Education Professional Standard Board’s Code of Ethics .
  • Satisfactory Student Teaching Portfolio for the major teaching field in which certification is sought, submitted to the Education Studies Administrative Assistant in April. (See Student Teaching Portfolio Guidelines for each specific certification area and Portfolio Rubric for Admission to Student Teaching. )
  • A favorable recommendation from the classroom teacher with whom candidate worked during pre-professional placement. (To be placed in Education Portfolio .)
  • Favorable recommendations from: A) Education Studies ; B) the Education Advisor on behalf of the content area program; and C) the Berea College Labor and Student Life Office.
  • Completion of application materials by the dates required.

Stage II: Must be received by the Education Studies Office prior to the start of Student Teaching in the ninth term, (Fall Term):

  • Grade of B- or higher in each EDS course taken in the pre-professional term.
  • Evidence that the Praxis Content test(s) and Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) test have been taken no later than the end of June. A passing score on the appropriate Praxis content test(s) and the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) test is required for certification.
  • Verification of a current medical examination, including a negative tuberculosis test. (This must be submitted to the Education Studies administrative assistant by mid-May.)
  • Criminal Background Check clearance (national and state checks initiated by mid-May through assigned student teaching placement).

Criteria for Recommendation for Certification:

  • Favorable recommendations from cooperating teachers and College Student Teaching supervisor(s) based upon performance in meeting the Kentucky Teacher Standards and Berea College’s Teacher Education Program Goals.
  • Favorable recommendation from Education Studies based upon the candidate’s reflection of the values and commitments that underlie Berea College’s Teacher Education Programs and adherence to the Kentucky Education Professional Standard Board’s Code of Ethics .
  • No grade lower than a B- in any Student Teaching course.
  • Satisfactory Eligibility Portfolio demonstrating competency in each field in which certification is sought that meets all Kentucky Teacher Standards (see specific program’s requirements).
  • Completion of application for certification and related materials.