Specific Rules

Convocation speakers and performers are either guests of the College community or are your student peers and faculty. You are expected to extend to them the same courtesy and attention you would appreciate and that would be expected of you if you were attending the same event on another campus.

Certain rules are necessary to assure that you receive proper credit and, at the same time, that others also are able to benefit from the presentation. In order to receive credit for attending the convocation event, you must:

  1. Be on time and stay during the entire program. Please do not disturb others by knocking on the doors after they have been closed and locked. A student, who arrives more than 5 minutes after the program has begun, or who leaves before it is over, and turns in a card for credit, is not eligible to receive credit and can be subject to a charge of academic dishonesty. The side doors of Phelps-Stokes are locked at the beginning of the convocation; the front doors are locked five minutes after the announced starting time.
  2. Be physically present in the room. (Those with children should take them to the room provided in Phelps-Stokes. See also #8).
  3. Act courteously toward those on stage, members of the audience, and the usher staff. Be attentive to the convocation presentation. You are not to sleep; eat or drink; read; study; talk; listen to any sound-producing device; operate a laptop, pager, or cell phone; and/or engage in any kind of behavior that calls attention to yourself that is inappropriate for that particular type of convocation and generally is considered discourteous to those on stage or those around you. Appearing to be asleep, for instance, has the same meaning to a guest on stage as actually being asleep. Do not put your feet or legs on the chair in front of you, or on the balcony railing or ledge. Do not move toward an exit until the convocation has clearly concluded. Permission to use a laptop during convocation is subject to prior approval by the Convocation Committee.
  4. Turn in only one card at any event and only the card with your computer-printed name issued to you by the Convocation Office. A student who signs another’s card will not receive credit for that convocation. If you run out of, misplace, or lose these cards, you can pick up new ones at the Office of Johnna Allen, Office Manager of Frost Building, no later than noon on the day for that convocation. Ushers are instructed to accept only convocation cards as proof of attendance. A student will not receive an additional credit for Berea College Theatre convocation if they already have received convocation credit for a theatre performance; likewise for a student music ensemble and/or student dance ensemble.
  5. Include your legible signature. Please correct your student identification number or your name if either changes. A student whose card is unsigned will not receive credit for that convocation.
  6. Give your card to an usher immediately after the convocation and before leaving the auditorium or room in which the convocation was presented. A student who turns in a card after leaving the auditorium or room will not receive credit. Ushers make a final call for cards before leaving their positions at the doors. Ushers should not accept your convocation card after you have left the room in which the convocation was held. Parents and caregivers in the children’s room will be instructed to whom to give their card (see #8).
  7. Parents and caregivers are held responsible for the conduct of their children. Those persons with children who are not paying attention to the convocation and who are disturbing others are expected to use the room equipped with a television set on the second floor of Phelps-Stokes. Continued disruption can result in a pulled card of the person(s) responsible for the child.
  8. Violations of these rules will result in administrative action. When convocation begins, talking should cease and attention should focus upon the event. It is not necessary that a person be told at the time that their behavior is inappropriate and/or disruptive. This document should serve as the guideline by which one can monitor his or her behavior. If a student’s behavior is considered by an usher to be in violation of any of these rules, or is reported by anyone in the audience to an usher, the student’s convocation card will be “pulled,” i.e., the violation will be reported to the Coordinator and can result in denial of credit for that convocation, subject to any appropriate subsequent appeal by the student to the Coordinator of Convocations.


With the exception of a violation of Rules 4, 5, 6, and 7, the student has the right to appeal the action of the usher(s) within five working weekdays of the date of the notice by writing to the Coordinator of Convocations. The Convocation Committee, which is the final authority in these matters, will hear unresolved appeals. Ignorance of these rules is not a foundation for an appeal.

First violation

With the exception of a violation of the Rules 4, 5, 6 and 7, a first violation will result in a letter of warning to the student with no loss of credit with a copy being sent to the office of the Director of Academic Services.

Subsequent violations

Any subsequent violation will result in the denial of credit and a letter of notice being sent to the student, to the student’s advisor, and to the Office of the Registrar (for the student’s file).

In some circumstances, a violation of the rules for flagrantly inappropriate behavior may result in direct action by the Director of Academic Services.

A student’s card can be pulled for any of the following reasons—attempting to receive credit:

  1. by turning in multiple cards for one’s self;
  2. by turning in another’s signed card;
  3. by having one’s card turned in by another;
  4. when one was not present during the entire convocation;
  5. when informed by an usher that one is not eligible to receive credit.

In addition to the denial of credit, any of these violations will be treated as an act of academic dishonesty. A letter of notice will be sent to the student and to the student’s advisor. If, in the Coordinator’s judgment, the charge has merit, the section on “Academic Honesty/Dishonesty” found in this publication will be followed.

Convocations scheduled in the evening generally indicate the desirability for a somewhat more formal atmosphere. Students (and staff) are requested to “dress up” on most of these occasions, as indicated in the Convocation Calendar. The wearing of such clothes as shorts, cut-off shorts, sweats, or gym clothes is considered inappropriate attire for evening convocations. The evening event is generally longer than one hour in length to accommodate different programming formats. Afternoon events that are expected to last an hour, or longer, will be so indicated in the Convocation Calendar and/or announced beforehand.

This statement supersedes any previously published. Questions may be addressed to the Coordinator of Convocations. In addition, suggestions for convocation speakers or events may be addressed to the Coordinator, Randall Roberts, in Draper 102, by e-mail, or at CPO 2160, Berea, KY 40404-2160.