Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes

Scholarships and Awards for Academic Excellence and Achievement

Henry W. and Edna Austin Awards

State Senator Henry W. and (Mrs.) Edna Austin of Oak Park, Illinois, provided funds for these awards honoring fine academic performances by Berea College students. To receive an Austin scholarship or to be selected as an Austin Scholar is a significant recognition of academic and personal excellence. Austin Scholarships recipients are chosen from the sophomore class and are eligible to become Austin Scholars. Austin Scholars are members of the junior and senior classes. A student may be selected only once as an Austin Scholar.

Lyle and Dorothy Ferer Cary Award for Excellence in Writing

The Lyle and Dorothy Ferer Cary Award is to be presented to Berea College juniors and/or seniors who have achieved excellence in writing. The form of writing may be scholarly or creative, and may be in response to a class assignment or independently conceived.

Helen Dingman Book Awards

Helen Dingman awards recognize students (or groups of up to five students) whose achievements or accomplishments reflect the effective synthesis of any two of these three components of a Berea College education: learning, labor, and service. The awards are made possible through the generosity of a college patron wishing to honor Helen Dingman, a professor of sociology (then called Social Work) at the College. Among her many accomplishments, Professor Dingman established the College’s Opportunity School Program, based on the Danish Folk School pattern, with traveling seminars in the region as well as on campus.

Jerome W. Hughes Humanities Enrichment Award

The Jerome W. Hughes Humanities Enrichment Award was established by family, friends, and former students of Dr. Jerome W. Hughes, professor emeritus of English at Berea College. The purpose of the award is to support a variety of experiences in the arts to enrich students’ appreciation of the humanities.

Father Henry L. Parker Scholarship

This scholarship is given to students of African descent who demonstrate high academic achievement and ethnic pride, as did Father Parker. The students apply their faith to everyday living, especially in promoting interracial and multi-cultural understanding.

Phi Kappa Phi Scholar

The purposes of this national honor society are to recognize high scholarship and character of students in all departments and areas, to foster the significant purposes for which institutions of higher learning have been founded, and to stimulate academic achievement. The Berea Chapter was chartered in 1953.

Doris and Harold Rosenbaum Scholarship

The Rosenbaum Scholarship was established in 1994 to assist students who have been accepted by or are eligible candidates for enrollment in the nation’s leading graduate and professional programs.

Olive Ruth Russell Fellowship

This award was established in honor of Ms. Olive Ruth Russell by Mrs. Ruth L. Roettinger. The fellowship is presented to women with outstanding academic records who present a defined plan to pursue graduate study in any academic discipline.

Seabury Award

Seabury Awards are given to one male and one female graduating senior who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship, as well as community leadership, on the Berea campus. The awards are to provide aid for graduate study or travel.

Frances Finnell Vandivier Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1988 to honor Frances Finnell Vandivier. A graduate of Berea College, Mrs. Vandivier was a compassionate advocate for children in her teaching, writing, and community service throughout her life. This scholarship is given to assist Berea College graduating seniors with continuing their education in the field of child development, childcare, and/or advocacy for children, youth and families.

Wood Achievement Award

The Wood Awards are awarded annually at commencement to one graduating senior woman and one man who have demonstrated excellence in contributions to the life and work of Berea College.

Awards for Excellence in Disciplinary Studies

Contact Department Chairperson or Program Director for information on these and other awards.

Agriculture and Natural Resources:

Crawford Prize in Conservation

Made possible by a gift from Mrs. Frederick Crawford. The prize is to be given to Berea College students who have excelled in environmental studies and have demonstrated concern for conservation, wildlife preservation, and natural history.

Delta Tau Alpha Awards

Certificates are awarded to the graduating Agriculture and Natural Resources major who has achieved the highest cumulative overall scholastic standing and the sophomore Agriculture and Natural Resources student for outstanding performance in the freshman year.

Edd C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends in recognition of Dr. Hogg’s many years of service to Berea College. The scholarship is given annually to students demonstrating Christian faith, economic need, and academic achievement. Recipients are chosen from among second-term juniors majoring in Agricultural and Natural Resources or Nursing at Berea College. The award is presented to two students, one in each major.

David F. Kinder Award

Awarded annually to a senior Agriculture and Natural Resources student who has shown exceptional productivity, initiative, and leadership in their labor program. The student should also demonstrate a successful academic program.

Joe Van Pelt Agricultural Leadership Award

Awarded to a junior student majoring in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Selection is on the basis of active interest in scholarship and sincere concern for social problems beyond the Department and whose efforts are above and beyond performance in the Labor Program.

Martin Aaron Wilson Award

Awarded annually to one or more students who show excellence in labor, service and academic skills combined with a strong interest in a career related to dairy production.


Art Major Award: A Design for a Summer

Awarded annually to art majors for the purpose of continuing study, museum visits, travel, books, and materials to be used during the summer.

James R. Bobbitt Art Scholarship

Awarded to assist an outstanding graduating senior in continuing study in the visual arts.

Child and Family Studies:

Helen and Jean Barkley Memorial Scholarship in Child and Family Studies.

This prize was established by the family and friends of Key Lee Barkley, a 1926 Berea College graduate, and his wife, Helen Roberts Barkley, Class of 1927, and their daughter, Jean Eloise Barkley. Recipients are Child and Family Studies majors “who show promise that they will become worthy citizens of their communities after their graduation from Berea College.”

Jacqueline Hensley Combs Memorial Award

Given to a junior or senior Child and Family Studies major who has shown a high degree of character, scholarship, and professional maturity. It is given in memory of Jacqueline Hensley Combs, a member of the Class of 1965, who was killed in an automobile accident a few days before graduation.

Ann Grant Memorial Award

Awarded annually to an outstanding major in Child and Family Studies, based on scholarship, character, and need.

Opal Stamm Huskey Scholarship

The Opal Stamm Huskey fund was established to foster excellence in students majoring in Child and Family Studies with Teacher Certification. The scholarship honors Miss Eunice True, former Professor of Home Economics at Berea College.

Frances Finnell Vandivier Scholarship

Awarded to assist Berea College graduates, women and men, to continue their education in the field of child development, childcare and/or advocacy for children, youth and families. This award was established in 1988 to honor Frances Finnell Vandivier, a graduate of Berea College and a compassionate advocate for children in her teaching, writing and community service throughout her life.

Virginia Palmer Widener Memorial Child and Family Studies Award

This award is given to an outstanding Child and Family Studies major commemorating the life of Mrs. Widener, Berea College, Class of 1966. The award honors Mrs. Widener’s contribution to the field of home economics and her interest in her students. Preference is given to students from the counties of Lee (Kentucky) and Washington (Virginia); or the city of Bristol, Virginia.

Classical, Creative, and Liberal Arts:

Florence Prize for Essays

The Florence Prize for Essays was endowed in 1919 by a gift from Edmund C. Westervelt of Corpus Christi, Texas. Prizes are offered for the best essays by students on a subject of public interest. A committee of the faculty, consisting of the chairpersons of the English and social science departments, administers the essay contest. The committee will designate the number and amount of the prizes to be offered.

Francis S. Hutchins Awards

These awards for creative work in the humanities honor President Emeritus Francis S. Hutchins; the awards go to juniors and seniors who have meritorious, creative, or critical works and are awarded on the basis of merit by a panel of judges.

Paul Vernon Kreider Jr. Award

Presented to the junior or senior student who has developed a personal library of good quality and writes the best essay on this library.

Mary Macauley Smith Memorial Scholarship in the Humanities

Awarded annually to a graduating senior from the humanities. The student must demonstrate a commitment to her or his chosen field of study and the liberal arts through academic excellence in major courses and in general education.

Economics and Business Administration:

Chin-Wang Prize

Established by Dr. and Mrs. Rockwood Chin in the name of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Sheu Chin and Dr. and Mrs. C.C. Wang, this prize is to be awarded annually to seniors of character who have excelled in Economics and Business Administration.

Joel Dean Scholarship in Economics

Awarded annually to the graduating senior economics major for academic performance in the field. The recipient will be known as the Joel Dean Scholar.

Education Studies:

Beldon Graduate School Fellowship

Awarded annually to Berea College outstanding graduating seniors who have met the requirements for teacher certification or recent (last five years) outstanding graduates, who have taught at the pre-college level with skill and devotion, and plan to enroll in graduate school for further professional development. The students selected must have a superior academic record. This award is supported by a gift from the Harriet Poynter Beldon Memorial fund.

George and Elgetha Bell Scholarship in Education

The Bell family and Alma Powell established a scholarship in honor of their predecessors, George and Elgetha Bell. The scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior student preparing for the teaching profession.

Mildred A. Bolt Award

Awarded annually to the student judged by the Education Studies Department to be outstanding in scholarship and in teaching potential.

Lucille Bush Duncan Award in Education

The Lucille Bush Duncan Award in Education was established by William A. Cook, a former professional associate, in recognition of Lucille Duncan’s contributions as a teacher, humanitarian, and benefactor of educational causes. The award is given annually to the junior members of Kappa Delta Pi judged by the Education Studies faculty to be outstanding in scholarship and potential service to society.

May Harrison Lambert Memorial Award in Elementary Education

Awarded to an outstanding graduating senior who shows great promise as an elementary teacher. Her son, Dr. Dean Warren Lambert, and her friends established this award.

Dr. Lee E. Wickline Scholarship

Given in honor of Dr. Lee E. Wickline, class of ’49. The recipient must be a full-time enrolled junior or senior with a major or minor in education who shows evidence of being well-rounded, demonstrates an enthusiastic interest in school and community activities, and has an awareness of universal human values.

English, Theatre, and Communication:

Dr. William Taylor Center Memorial Award

Awarded to the student writing the composition that, in the opinion of the judges, best illustrates or analyzes the idea of service to others. The Award is in the memory of Dr. Center, an alumnus of Berea College.

Thomas M. and Janet C. Kreider Theatre Award

The Thomas and Janet Kreider Fund was established in 1987. Dr. Kreider was the Chester D. Tripp Professor of the Humanities (1952-1987) and Mrs. Kreider was Director of Public Relations (1974-1984) at Berea College. Income from the fund enables full-time Berea students seriously interested in any phase of professional theatre to go to a major theatre-drama center to see professionally produced plays and other dramatic performances

Hugh O. Porter Memorial Forensics Award

Awarded to an upperclass student demonstrating excellence in debate, speech or drama, and in forensics events.

Paul Nelson Power Scholarship Award

Established in 1998 by students, friends, and family to honor his boundless energy and enthusiasm for theatre. The award will provide funds to enable students to pursue learning opportunities and experiences in the performing arts. Student-initiated projects may include, but are not limited to travel, study, apprenticeships, and producing or attending performances.

Emily Ann Smith Scholarship

The Emily Ann Smith Scholarship was established by friends and students of Miss Smith to honor excellence in the study of the English language. It is given annually to junior or senior English majors.

May B. Smith English Composition Award

Awarded to a student enrolled in an English course who demonstrates unusual skill in writing non-fiction prose.

History and Political Science:

Blanton Prize in History and Political Science

This prize was established by Dr. Jack Blanton (Knapp Hall, ‘49, Foundation ‘53, College ‘57) to honor the Blanton family, including his grandfather, his parents, and his sister, all with Berea ties. This is to be given to a senior History and/or Political Science major. This student should be the most outstanding senior majoring in one or both of these subjects with strong writing skills. The selection of recipient would be upon the recommendation/agreement of the chairs of the History and Political Science departments.

Alfred C. Lutz Scholarship in American History

This scholarship is given by Mrs. Alfred C. Lutz in honor of her husband. The recipient should be of good moral character, have acceptable intellectual qualities, have financial need, and be seeking a degree in History.

Louis Andrew McCord Scholarship Award

This scholarship was established to honor the life and service of Louis Andrew McCord, a pastor and teacher in Appalachia, and an Alumnus of 1945. Awarded annually to a non-traditional junior or senior majoring in history education who demonstrates excellence in scholarship, enthusiasm for the discipline, and enthusiasm for teaching. In the event no History major meets the qualifications, English and Music Education majors also may be considered.

Paul C. Nelson History Prize

Paul David and Rebecca Nelson established this scholarship in memory of their son, Paul C. Nelson. The award, chosen by the History Department, goes to a senior History major for superior scholarship and character.

E. Taylor Parks Award

The E. Taylor Parks Award is given for excellence in History or Political Science. Mr. E.R. Brann established the award in memory of Dr. E. Taylor Parks, former Chairman of the Department of History and Political Science.

C. Louis Smith Scholarship

Awarded annually to the senior student in Political Science who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of scholarship and citizenship. Mr. E.R. Brann, Class of 1942, makes this award possible.

Robert B. Street Prize in American History

Robert B. Street, a graduate of 1910, established an endowment fund to provide prizes for oratorical and essay contests of American history and American democracy.

Law and Pre-Law:

Walter Morris Gay Memorial Award

This award is given to a senior pre-law student chosen on the basis of high academic achievement, excellence of character, and patriotism. The endowment, which sustains this award, has been donated in memory of Walter Morris Gay ’65 by his parents; by friends in Avon Park, Florida; by students and faculty of Berea College; and by interested citizens of Berea, McKee, and the surrounding area.

Library Science:

Elizabeth D. Gilbert Fellowship in Library Science

This fellowship is awarded to aid seniors or recent graduates of Berea College for graduate studies in Library Science. Friends and admirers of Miss Gilbert, Berea College Head Librarian for many years, established this fellowship in 1973.


Ballard-McConnell-Willis Mathematics Scholarships

Given annually to students who demonstrate excellence in mathematics, upright moral character, potential for accomplishment, and an ability to instill in others an appreciation for mathematics.

Pugsley Freshman Scholarship

This award, established in memory of Donald W. Pugsley, who was a Professor of Mathematics at Berea College, is given to freshmen for excellence in mathematics.

Steve Boyce Senior Mathematics Award

Awarded annually to a senior mathematics major demonstrating the greatest degree of excellence and maturity in his or her mathematics study.


Elsie Drukker Memorial Music Scholarship

Provides scholarships and financial aid to outstanding Music majors.

Marjory J. Flint Scholarship

The Marjory J. Flint Scholarship Fund was established through the bequest of her sister, Louie Key, in 1984. Income from the fund provides annual scholarships to piano or woodwind students for study of music at Berea or in graduate school. Recipients are selected on the basis of excellence of achievement and potential.

Irene Ziegler Hill Memorial Scholarship

The recipient of the Irene Ziegler Hill Memorial Scholarship is chosen on the basis of academic excellence and musicianship, with special preference given to those candidates who show outstanding potential as future music educators. The endowed fund was donated in memory of Irene Ziegler Hill, a former member of the Music faculty and one of the moving forces behind the establishment of a major in Music Education at Berea College.

Rolf E. Hovey Memorial Scholarship

The Rolf E. Hovey Memorial Scholarship was established in 1995 by the Hovey family and by former students in loving memory of Dr. Hovey, founder and director of the Berea College Chapel Choir and longtime Chairman of the Music Department.

Sherwood-Hill Award

This award honors the memory of several members of the Sherwood and Hill families. It is granted to Music majors that have demonstrated academic excellence and high potential in the field of music.

Underwood-Alger Music Scholars

The scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Music and who have exhibited excellence in scholarship, as well as financial need.

Natural and Physical Sciences:

John S. Bangson Biological Science Awards

Established by Mrs. John Bangson to honor Dr. John S. Bangson, former Chairman of the Department of Biology at Berea College. These awards are given annually to two students: a sophomore with the highest grades in biology and a graduating senior Biology major chosen on the basis of grades and leadership potential.

Guenther O.R. Brann Memorial Scholarship in Biology

Awarded annually to a Biology major for outstanding scholarship, superior character, and financial need.

Lilli Brann Scholarship in Physical Sciences

The Lilli Brann Scholarship in Physical Sciences was given by Mr. E. R. Brann, Class of 1942, of Madison, Wisconsin, in honor of his mother. Awarded annually to the students who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship in their chosen field, superior character in their everyday life, and have financial need.

Crawford Prize in Conservation

Made possible by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Crawford. The prize is to be awarded to Berea students who have excelled in environmental studies and who have demonstrated concern for conservation, wildlife preservation, and natural history.

J. Stanton King Science Award

Awarded annually to a junior or senior majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics The student must have exhibited excellence in both academic and personal life. The American Association of Clinical Chemistry established the award in honor of Dr. J. Stanton King, a Berea alumnus.

Waldemar Noll Prize in Physics

Presented annually to the senior Physics major with the highest scholastic standing in the major field, the prize is established in memory of Dr. Waldemar Noll, former Professor of Physics at Berea College.

Underwood-Alger Biology Scholars

The scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Biology and who have exhibited excellence in scholarship, as well as financial need.

Nursing and Pre-Medical:

W. H. and Mabel Simmons Dean Scholarship

Awarded annually to a sophomore student planning a career in the health sciences. The scholarship was made possible by a grant from the Dean family.

Edd C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship

The Edd C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship was established by family and friends in recognition of Dr. Hogg’s many years of service to Berea College. The scholarship is given annually to students demonstrating Christian faith, economic need, and academic achievement. Recipients are chosen from among second-term juniors majoring in Agriculture and Natural Resources or Nursing at Berea College. The award is presented to two students, one in each major.

Julie Braden Thompson Award

This award was established by Audine T. Adams in memory of her mother to provide an award to the pre-medical or Nursing student at Berea College who has achieved an outstanding academic record, who manifests professional promise, and who exemplifies excellent moral character.

Norman C. and Rose B. Wheeler Scholarship

The award was established by family and friends as a memorial in honor of Dr. Norman C. Wheeler ’36 and his wife, Rose B. Wheeler ’38. Dr. Wheeler practiced medicine in Berea for a number of years and then devoted 15 years to medical research. The scholarship is given annually to a Berea pre-medical student with financial need and high scholastic achievement.

Martha E. Wylie Award

The Wylie Award is awarded annually to a junior Nursing student to recognize superior achievement in nursing. Martha E. Wylie was an Associate Professor of Nursing at Berea College.

Philosophy and Religion:

Millicent Bate Miller Scholarship

Provides financial support for a Philosophy or Religion major who shows exceptional academic ability, character, and leadership.

Fred Oscanyan Scholarship in Philosophy

The award for academic excellence is given to a junior or senior Philosophy major or minor chosen by the Philosophy faculty.

Bishop Yu Yue Tsu Scholarship

The Bishop Yu Yue Tsu Scholarship Fund was established by friends and family of the Bishop on his 96th birthday. He served as Bishop in the Episcopal Church in China for many years. Awarded annually to a junior or senior Religion major who demonstrates achievement.

Physical Education:

Physical Education Award

Awarded annually to the senior Physical Education major who has the highest overall grade point average in his or her career at Berea.

Social Sciences:

Fuliang and Louise Chang Award

Awarded annually to the senior student majoring in Sociology who shows greatest promise in the field of sociology or social work. Although excellence in scholarship is important, promise for service is also a major consideration. The children and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chang, on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, established this fund.

Dallas and Betty Johnson Sociology Scholarship

Awarded annually to an outstanding graduating senior in Sociology who plans to enroll in graduate school for further professional development. Excellence in scholarship is important along with the senior’s future study plans and identification of goals for work and service upon the completion of an advanced degree. Ms. Elizabeth Ann Sears, along with friends and family of Dallas and Betty Johnson, established this endowed fund to honor Dallas Johnson’s remarkable career with Native Americans in the Southwest United States.

Albert G. Weidler Memorial Scholarship in Social Studies

Mr. E.R. Brann established this award in memory of Dr. Albert Greer Weidler, Dean of Labor and Chairman of the Department of Economics and Business for many years. The award is given for excellence in social studies or business administration.

John F. White Memorial Scholarship in Gerontology

This fund provides assistance and incentive for qualified students to pursue graduate study leading to careers in research or service in the field of gerontology. Funds can be used by the awardee for any expenses related to the pursuit of graduate study, including tuition, room and board, books, supplies, and educationally related travel. The scholarship is named for John White, a former professor of Psychology and Chairperson of the Psychology Department at Berea.

Technology and Industrial Arts:

Peterson Spring Award

Awarded annually to juniors and seniors majoring in Technology and Industrial Arts. Students must have a major GPA of 3.25 or higher and demonstrate a high level of scholarship, character, and professional involvement. This award is made possible by the Peterson Spring Company.

Awards for Good Citizenship and Leadership

Eva Nell Whitaker Alley Memorial Award in Community Leadership

Awarded to a female student who has demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, and service to the on-going life of Berea College.

E. R. Brann Good Citizenship Award

Awarded annually to a student or students nominated by peers and affirmed by the Service Awards Committee whose character and life have made an outstanding contribution to the Christian character of Berea College.

Emily C. Graham Volunteer Service Award

Recognizes two Berea students who have demonstrated exceptional volunteer service during the academic year. The award is a memorial to Mrs. Emily G. Graham, who was dedicated to service through her nursing career and her volunteer activities.

Jane A. Kendrick Community Service Award

Recognizing volunteer service to the community, this award is given to the student who, through community service, has accented the value of volunteer work and, in so doing, has improved and enriched the lives of others.

Layman Memorial Award in International Relations

Awarded annually to the student deemed most likely to make a significant contribution in the field of international relations. Established by the daughters of Rev. & Mrs. Henry L. Layman, missionaries in Japan.

Navy V-12/V-5 Memorial Scholarship

This award recognizes an international student and an American student for outstanding contributions to human kinship and international understanding on campus. Chosen in their junior year, these students will be known as Navy V-12/V-5 Memorial Scholars during their senior year. Berea College was one of 131 colleges and universities selected as sites for Navy training programs during World War II. Through the Navy V-12/V-5 program, Berea became home to 789 sailors between 1943 and 1945. Navy V-12/V-5 alumni, who maintain close relationships with each other and the College, have established this award to commemorate this important time in their lives.

Homer A. Porter, Jr. Citizen-Servant Emerging Leader Awards

Awarded to four students who have not reached their junior year by the Spring Term in which selections are made. This award is for students whose participation in and contributions to service programs and/or service learning courses exemplify the selflessness characteristic of servant leaders. While no firm restrictions apply, the donors hope that the four students selected will be representative of the diversity of Berea’s students.

Service Scholarship Fund

Established by an anonymous donor, this award recognizes a student who is pro-active and nonself- serving in their expressions of social concern for others, and who exhibits qualities indicative of a lifetime of service.

Student Service Learning Award

This award will go to a student or students to recognize significant contributions to our Berea and Madison County community through the service-learning program. The students will be nominated by community partners, and community partners will be involved in the selection of award recipients.

Louise Veltin Memorial Award for Good Citizenship

Awarded annually to a sophomore, junior, or senior chosen for allaround good citizenship. Established in 1936 by the Veltin Association of New York City in memory of Louise Veltin.

DeWitt Wallace Reader’s Digest Scholarship

Provides scholarships annually to prospective freshmen who have need and who demonstrate outstanding Christian leadership.

Dr. Lee E. Wickline Scholarship

Given in honor of Dr. Lee E. Wickline, class of ’49. The recipient must be a fulltime enrolled junior or senior majoring in Education and give evidence of being well-rounded and have demonstrated an enthusiastic interest in school and community activities and an awareness of universal human values.

Homer E. Williams Awards for Campus Leadership in Interracial Understanding

Awarded annually to two students, one of whom must be African-American and the other Caucasian or non-Caucasian, who demonstrate leadership qualities in all aspects of campus and student life, particularly in the promotion of racial understanding.

Scholarships and Awards for Residents or Service in Appalachia

James Sterling Ayars Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Awarded annually to a student of high character and scholarship with financial need. Preference given to students from the mountains of eastern Kentucky or western North Carolina.

J. E. Bach Scholarship for Breathitt County, Kentucky

Awarded annually for up to four students graduating from the high schools of Breathitt County. May be renewed for students making satisfactory progress.

George L. Bagby Scholarship-Loan Fund

Provides scholarship-interest free loans to juniors and seniors from the Appalachian region.

Julia Drukker Stammer Fund for Volunteer (Appalachian) Service

Provides grants to students who participate actively in existing volunteer programs, or establish new action programs where there is an identified need, to improve the quality of life of individuals or communities of the Eastern Kentucky portion of the Appalachian region.

Clifford Ralph Hartsog Memorial Award

Awarded annually to a deserving student from Ashe County, North Carolina.

J. Woodford and Florence Stephens Howard Memorial Scholarships

Provides aid to Kentucky students on the basis of academic performance and financial need. Preference is given to students from the Kentucky counties of Floyd, Breathitt, Magoffin, and Morgan.

Francis S. Hutchins Robinson Mountain Fund Scholarship

Awarded annually to a rising junior or senior from one of the eastern Kentucky counties served by the E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund. The recipient must demonstrate academic excellence and have made significant contributions to the College as demonstrated by good citizenship and labor record.

Thornton A. Lemaster Scholarship Fund

Awarded to worthy Kentucky students, preferably from Jackson and Morgan counties, on the basis of need.

Ernest Edwin “Hennie Hunt” May Scholarship

Provides a scholarship for an Appalachian student on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.

J. D. McFerron Endowment for Student Assistance

Provides educational funds and assistance to worthy students from Rockcastle County, Kentucky.

Robert and Rosa Osborn Student Aid Fund

Provides grants to several worthy students each year on the basis of financial need. Preference is given to students from the Cabin Creek area of Lewis County, Kentucky.

Weatherford-Hammond Appalachian Prizes

Awarded to encourage research and writing on Appalachian subjects.

Virginia Palmer Widener Memorial Child and Family Studies Award

An annual scholarship providing financial assistance to a Child and Family Studies major. Preference given to students from the counties of Lee (Kentucky) or Washington (Virginia); or the city of Bristol, Virginia.

Scholarships and Awards for International Education

In addition to these opportunities, students should be aware that the Department of Foreign Languages and the Campus Christian Center also have funds available for education abroad and international-travel opportunities, dependent upon major and/or focus.

Berea Term Abroad Scholarships

Grants awarded to enable students to spend a term studying abroad.

Bolin Blaine Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to assist a Berea College student with study outside the United States for a minimum period of one month during the junior year. The fund was established in 2004 and named for John Seelye Bolin and Sandra Anne Blaine Bolin in memory of their families and their contributions to Berea College. Both John and Sandra Bolin served as instructors and administrators of Berea College.

Carlisle Keller Macdonald Scholarship

Awarded to students with financial need traveling abroad for the first time.

New Horizons Grants

Awarded to supplement the student’s own financial resources for international study in faculty-led courses, KIIS summer programs, Independent or Team Initiated studies, or Internships.

John D. Scruggs Music International Study Scholarship

Awarded to provide funds to support international summer study of students involved in music.

Emilie Strong Smith Travel Fund

Grants awarded to provide funding for additional travel that is not part of the student’s structured international program. To be used to visit museums, significant cultural events, historical sites, and architecture.

John B. Stephenson Scholarship for Non-Western Study

This scholarship is designed to allow students the opportunity to study in Israel, China, India, Japan, or one of the countries of Africa. The program is open to rising juniors and seniors majoring in any discipline. The experience must earn graduation credit and may be in a structured study program, an Independent Study, a Team Initiated Study, or a service project, for a period of not less than four weeks in duration.

Special Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes

Ellen Bangson Award in Christian Education

Awarded to an outstanding student whose special interest is Christian education.

Beckman Prizes for Excellence in Bible Study

Provides Bibles and study aids for excellence in Bible study.

Walter Brooks Foundation Grants for Correction of Physical Handicapping Conditions

Provides funds for correction of physically handicapped students.

Class of 1942 Awards

This fund was established by members of the Class of 1942. The scholarships are awarded annually to students at Berea College with superior academic achievement who have demonstrated Christian character, financial need, and the capacity to persevere. A scholarship is given annually to one student from each of the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes.

Discovery Grants

Awarded to supplement the student’s own financial resources for domestic study in faculty-led courses, Independent or Team Initiated studies, or Internships.

Experiential Education Fund Grants

Awarded to students to help enrich their Berea College academic program through an off-campus educational Internship experience.

Red Foley Memorial Music Award

Awarded annually by the Alumni Association to the student or students who have made the greatest contribution to the social life of the campus through music.

Bascom A. and Katherine Baugh Franklin Scholarship

Provides financial aid on the basis of need to students majoring in religion, agriculture, child and family studies, or technology and industrial arts.

Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Awarded to current students or graduates who plan to enter full-time Christian service.

Lucille Christian and George McKinney Student Alumni Relations Council Award

This award is given to a junior student in good standing who will be a senior in the following year and who is an active participant in volunteer service in the College community. The award is to be used for supplies in the senior year. The student must be nominated by a recognized campus organization, including residence halls and labor departments.

Helen R. Smith Fund

Provides undergraduate or graduate scholarships on the basis of need to students of Ohio, preferably Wayne County, to enter the ministry, teaching, or medicine.

Labor Awards

Berea College Student Employee of the Year Award

Awarded for reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism, and uniqueness of contribution. Students who receive this award are also eligible for recognition on the state, regional, and national levels.

Building Care Award

Awarded by the Housekeeping Division to recognize workers in a building that exhibits a high level of cleanliness and quality of work for the enjoyment of the campus community.

Danforth Creative Effort Prizes

Provides annual prizes to honor students whose products of imagination and effort have a lasting legacy beyond their college careers.

Raymond B. Drukker Memorial Award for Library Service

Awarded each year in honor of Dr. Raymond B. Drukker and is presented to two outstanding student workers in the College’s Hutchins Library.

The Wilson and Ellen Best Evans “Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Award.”

Awarded annually to two seniors who not only do the job very well, but also perform extra duties that make the work environment more enjoyable and productive for colleagues and customers.

Food Service Special Award

Awarded on the basis of efficiency and commitment to duty, plus concern and feeling for both fellow workers and those being served.

Clara Bell Hall Crafts Award

Awarded annually to a student who demonstrates exceptional academic and artistic talent while contributing to the Student Crafts Program.

Richard T. Hougen Hotel Management Award

Annual recognition by the Boone Tavern Hotel staff to honor outstanding hotel employees.

Gladys Jameson Accompanist Award

Awarded annually in memory of Gladys Jameson to recognize the most valuable student accompanist.

Outstanding Labor Supervisor of the Year

Awarded by selection from campus student nominations to an outstanding supervisor in the Labor Program.

Photography Contest

Awarded by the Labor Program Office to encourage students to identify a visual representation of the work done by our students.

William R. Ramsay Award

This award recognizes a first-year student who enthusiastically embraces the Labor Program as an integral component of Berea’s mission and whose work demonstrates great potential for the future.

Margaret G. Rogers Nursing Award

Awarded annually to a nursing student who has demonstrated excellence in labor.

Anna Mae and Phyllis Shumaker Labor Award

Awarded to a senior student for outstanding performance of office duties.

Sarah Fuller Smith Prize Loom

Awarded to the student who is selected by the weaving department instructor as the best student weaver. The award provides a loom for the student to build upon his or her weaving skills.

Julia and Norbert Stammer Appalachian Service Award

Awarded annually to a student who has rendered outstanding service to Appalachia in a labor assignment at the Appalachian Center, Students for Appalachia, or the Appalachian Museum.

Dr. Russell I. Todd Award

Awarded annually to honor a student for the most constructive use of leisure time.

Volunteer Service Award

Awarded annually to a nominated member of the community who has made exceptional contributions of time and effort to Berea College students and the Labor Program.