Emeritus Teaching Faculty, July 2014

Kathryn R. Akural, Ph.D.

Robert Charles Billings Chair in Education;

Professor of Education Studies, 1983-2014.

Elise André, Ph.D.

Professor of French, 1976-95.

Richard N. Barnes, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, 1962-94.

Alice K. Batson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Nursing, 1976-94.

Billy F. Best, Ed.D.

Professor of Physical Education, 1962-2002.

Irene D. Betts, M.A.

Coordinator of the Field Study Program;

Lecturer in English and Education, 1982-95.

Irmars Birznieks, Ph.D.

Professor of German, 1975-95.

Larry K. Blair, Ph.D.

Nathaniel Southgate Shaler Memorial Chair in Chemistry;

Professor of Chemistry, 1971-2006.

Orville F. Boes, M.A.

Associate Professor of Business, 1950-56; 1959-91.

John S. Bolin, Ph.D.

Professor of English, 1970-2009.

Patricia D. Boyce, M.S.

Lecturer in Mathematics; Co-Director of the Basic Mathematics

Program, 1972-74; 1981-84; 1985-2001.

Robert Boyce, Ph.D.

Bradford and Christine Miller Mishler Art Chair;

Professor of Art, 1981-2008.

Roberta Jean Boyce, M.A.

Lecturer in French; Supervisor of the Language Laboratory,

1983, 1986-2008.

Stephen S. Boyce, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics, 1969-2003.

Thomas A. Boyd, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, 1977-2007.

Eugene T. Chao, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, 1983-2010.

Cleophus Charles, Ph.D.

Carter Woodson Professorship in Negro History, 1973-2000.

Roswell D. Cox, Ph.D.

Julia Parmly Billings Chair in Child and Family Studies;

Professor of Child and Family Studies, 1970-2006.

Laura A. Crawford, M.N.

Associate Professor of General Studies, 1965-66, 1968-2006.

Neil Di Teresa, M.A.

Professor of Art, 1962-2010.

Richard B. Drake, Ph.D.

Julian-Van Dusen Professor of American History, 1956-92.

Philip W. English, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Speech, 1990-2007.

James E. Gage, Ph.D.

Professor of English, 1974-2004.

Claude E. Gentry, Ph.D.

Professor of Agronomy and Biology, 1960-99.

Carol Gesner, Ph.D.

Professor of English, 1954-87.

Larry C. Grunwald, M.S., M.A.

Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1967-2000.

Martha Joyce Hager, Ed.D.

Professor of Physical Education, 1961-2010.

Edith L. Hansen, M.L.S.

Reference/Instruction Librarian;

Assistant Professor of Library Science, 1984-2000.

Eileen Hart, M.S.L.S.

Serials Librarian; Assistant Professor of Library Science, 1986-2003.

Donald Hudson, Ed.D.

William J. Hutchins Alumni Chair in Technology and Industrial Arts;

Professor of Technology and Industrial Arts, 1965-2007.

Walter E. Hyleck, M.F.A.

Morris B. Belknap, Jr. Chair in Fine Arts;

Professor of Art; Resident Potter; and

Director of Ceramics Apprenticeship Program, 1967-2008.

Robert L. Johnstone, Ph.D.

Clarence M. Clark Professor of Mountain Agriculture and Economics, 1964-96.

Martie Ries Kazura, M.B.A.

Professor of Business, 1991-2013.

Oliver M. Keels, Ph.D.

Professor of General Studies, 1980-2010.

Atossa Kramer, M.M.

Lecturer in Music, 1975-2009.

Zelek Lawrence Lipchinsky, M.S.

Associate Professor of Geology and Geography;

Chairperson, Department of Geology and Geography;

Curator, Wilbur Greeley Burroughs Geologic Museum, 1964-2003.

John P. Little, D.M.A.

Associate Professor of General Studies, 1977-2003.

Gordon McKinney, Ph.D.

Julian-Van Dusen Chair in American History;

Professor of History, 1995-2009.

William Morningstar, M.F.A.

Bradford and Christine Miller Mishler Art Chair;

Professor of Art, 1976-2014.

A. Lee Morris, Ph.D.

Campus Minister; Assistant Professor of Religion, 1979-2000.

Paul David Nelson, Ph.D.

Julian-Van Dusen Chair in American History, 1970-2005.

Michael Thomas Panciera, Ph.D.

Clarence M. Clark Chair of Mountain Agriculture; Associate Professor

of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1998-2014.

Marlene Payne, M.S.

Instructor in Child and Family Studies, 1970-1975, 1987, 1994, 1998-2006.

Sandra L. Pennington, Ph.D.

Professor of Nursing, 1988-2006.

Alfred Perkins, Ph.D.

Professor of History, 1986-2004.

Smith T. Powell III, Ph.D.

Charles F. Kettering Chair in Science, 1970-2006.

Lester F. Pross, M.A.

Professor of Art, 1946-91.

John M. Ramsay, Ph.D.

Director of Recreation Extension;

Assistant Professor of Animal Science, 1973-95.

Ann G. Rhodes, D.M.A.

Associate Professor of Music, 1994-2012.

D. Michael Rivage-Seul, S.T.D.

Professor of General Studies;

Director of Peace and Social Justice Studies Program, 1974-2010.

Catherine W. Roberts, M.S.

Head of Technical Services;

Associate Professor of Library Science, 1974-2003.

Gerald F. Roberts, Ph.D.

Special Collections Librarian;

Professor of Library Science, 1975-2001.

Dorothy Schnare, Ph.D.

Professor of English, 1983-2003.

Robert J. Schneider, D.S.M.

Distinguished Professor of General Studies;

Professor of Classical Languages, 1968-2000.

Claire Schuster, M.S.N.

Associate Professor of Nursing, 1995-2010.

Marilla Scudder-Davis, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology, 1980-2010.

Richard D. Sears, Ph.D.

Chester D. Tripp Chair in Humanities;

Professor of English and Theatre, 1967-2010.

Clifford Sowell, Ph.D.

W. George Matton Chair in Economics;

Professor of Economics, 1981-2010.

Susan Eike Spalding, Ed.D.

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Health;

Chairperson, Department of Physical Education and

Health; Director of Dance Programs, 1995-2010.

Philip V. Spears, Ph.D.

W. George Matton Chair in Business;

Professor of Business, 1968-2006.

L. Eugene Startzman, Ph.D.

Professor of English, 1967-2008.

Ralph Stinebrickner, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics, 1974-2008.

William F. Stolte, Ph.D.

W. George Matton Professor of Economics, 1970-99.

Grace S. Stuckert, M.S.

Associate Professor of Nursing, 1971-94.

Robert W. Suder, Ph.D.

Francis Alexander McGaw Chair in Religion; 

Professor of Religion, 1985-2013.

Robert P. Stuckert, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, 1975-92.

Keila C. Thomas, Ed.D.

Julia Parmly Billings Chair in Child and Family Studies;

Professor of Child and Family Studies;

Interim Director of the Child Development Laboratory, 1982-2010.

Ralph L. Thompson, Ph.D.

Charles F. Kettering Chair in Science;

Professor of Biology, 1980-2010.

Barbara Wade, Ph.D.

Professor of English, 1977-2010.

John Wallhausser, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of General Studies;

Henry Mixter Penniman Professor of Philosophy and Bible, 1975-2003.

Joan Weston, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Health;

Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, 1980-2006.

James L. Yount, Ed.D.

Professor of Technology and Industrial Arts, 1979-2006.