THR 228 Doc Min Modern Appalachia

Prerequisites: GSTR 210

Summer Course Only

Course Description: Students will analyze coal mining in Appalachia from multiple perspectives. The course will serve as a comparison analysis of the economic factors versus the cultural, social, and environmental impacts of coal mining. The course is designed to be two-tiered: during tier one, students will be on campus for two weeks studying holistic effects of clean coal, mountaintop removal, environmental variables, jobs and the economy, as well as Appalachian culture. Tier two will serve as a learning laboratory in which students are on the road for the last two weeks in Appalachian communities developing a documentary of those communities affected by coal mining. This lab will provide students with the ability to study interview methodology, videography, editing, documentary filmmaking techniques, framing shots, script writing, and developing an appreciation for Appalachia.


1 Course Credit