Information about Judicial and Legal Options

(Also see Community Judicial Code)

It is important for you to be familiar with various options, including College judicial and/or legal options:

  • Anyone who has been sexually assaulted has the right to pursue legal and disciplinary remedies and to secure counseling services. This includes the right to pursue College judicial action, criminal prosecution and/or civil litigation. Electing to pursue judicial action through the College does not commit the victim to pursue criminal or civil action, or vice versa. A victim also has the right to take no action.
  • Should a victim wish to pursue criminal prosecution and/or civil litigation, the Department of Public Safety can provide assistance and information. Additionally, the Blue Grass Rape Crisis Center (800-656-4673) can provide a legal advocate to guide the victim through the legal process.

What happens when a person wants to pursue judicial action through the College?

  1. A Judicial Officer will coordinate an investigation of the reported incident in order to determine the appropriate charges.
  2. If judicial charges are filed, the Judicial Officer will prepare the case and gather relevant information. A Judicial Liaison will assemble a hearing body and be responsible for ensuring that the official procedures are followed.
  3. If a hearing is held, the alleged perpetrator will be informed of the outcome by the hearing body. The alleged victim will be informed of the outcome by the Judicial Liaison. To protect the privacy of those involved in the hearing, the campus community as a whole will NOT be notified of the outcome of the hearing.

Can someone attend the judicial hearing with me?

Students may select a Personal Observer from within the College community (i.e. enrolled students, faculty or staff). This person is not an active participant in the hearing process; but may be present with the student to provide support.

Will I have to see the other person during the judicial hearing if I don’t want to?

No. The Judicial Liaison will work with both parties to create a setting that’s as neutral as possible.