Use of College Funds for Flowers

Use of College funds for flowers is appropriate for the following situations:

  • Illness/Surgery

Flowers shall be sent when a member of the College Faculty or Staff or a College Retiree is hospitalized (in-patient only).

  • Memorials

Flowers shall be given upon the death of the following:

  • A member of the College Faculty or Staff or College Retiree.
  • A currently enrolled College Student.
  • A member of the immediate family (spouse/partner, child, or other person residing in the home) of a College Faculty or Staff member or College Retiree.
  • The father or mother of a member of a College Faculty or Staff or College Retiree.
  • The father or mother of the spouse/partner of a College Faculty or Staff member or College Retiree.


  • Living plants shall be sent when possible, unless otherwise requested.
  • Flowers for death or illness will be sent on behalf of the Faculty and Staff of the College by the President's Office.  The department in which the employee works or worked may also send flowers using departmental funds.
  • Flowers for the death of a student should be coordinated with the Vice President for Labor and Student Life to eliminate multiple purchases by various College offices.
  • Flowers for the death of a donor should be coordinated with the Vice President for College and Alumni Relations and, when appropriate, the President's Office, to minimize multiple purchases by various College offices.
  • Flowers for other College-sponsored events and functions may be approved by the President or appropriate Vice President, and paid from departmental funds of the program or office sponsoring the event or function.
  • The President may make exceptions to this policy for extenuating circumstances.

*Flowers are defined as bouquets, living plants, and floral arrangements, and may include additional items such as balloons, chimes, etc.

Approved by the Administrative Committee, September 24, 2014