Administrative Committee

The Administrative Committee is responsible to the Board of Trustees and the President of the College for matters of finance, physical properties, and internal management of the College.  The Committee consists of the President and the five administrative officers of the College noted above, as well as the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Dean of Labor, and the Chief Information Officer.  All instructional and operating departments of the institution are organized under a member of this committee.

A brief description of the duties of the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Dean of Labor, and the Chief Information Officer follow:

Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion:  Has charge of collaborating in hiring processes to achieve greater diversity within our work force. Also charged with collaborating on other initiatives to support diversity, inclusivity, and the full realizations of the 5th and 6th Great Commitments of Berea College.  Has oversight of the Title VII/IX Office and Coordinator.

Chief Information Officer (CIO):  Oversees Information Systems and Services (IS&S) and works collaboratively with the Administrative Committee to provide Information Technology services for all divisions with special attention to the needs for Educational Technology support within the academic program. The CIO reports to the President and serves on the Administrative Committee.

Dean of LaborProvides leadership and oversight of the Student Labor Program and Student Payments and works collaboratively with all divisions to ensure Labor Program policies and procedures are aligned with the College’s commitments, learning goals, workplace expectations, and federal regulations.  The Dean of Labor reports to the Vice President for Labor and Student Life and serves on the Administrative Committee.