Administrative Officers

The President of the College has executive responsibility for all College operations and for the implementation of the policies and mandates of the Board of Trustees, which is vested with ultimate authority and responsibility for the College.

In addition to the President, there are five administrative officers of the College. A brief description of their duties follows:

Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty: As chief academic officer, has responsibility and oversight for planning, coordinating, and evaluating the educational programs of the College. Provides comprehensive leadership for the academic division of the College, including all academic programs and the maintenance and review of the curriculum, the faculty, academic and student support programs and services, admissions, and financial aid. Has the responsibility for the quality of the College’s teaching faculty and is responsible for their recruitment, hiring, and professional development. In the absence of the President, the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty serves as the senior administrative officer of the College.

Vice President for Operations and Sustainability: The Vice President for Operations and Sustainability is responsible for the planning, budgeting, and oversight for the College’s businesses, auxiliaries, and administrative functions and for developing and executing the College’s sustainability strategies and programs (not including academic programs).

Vice President for Finance: As chief financial officer, is responsible for maintaining all financial records of the College and has authority to establish the methods by which such records shall be kept. Is responsible for the current collection and disbursement of all monies and shall act as custodian for all funds, stocks, and securities, and all other evidences of intangible property of the College.

Vice President for Labor and Student Life: Has charge over the labor program and student affairs. Plans, implements, and reviews policies and procedures of the student labor program; administers the program of grants and loans for students with need; plans and administers the extracurricular programs and services; and plans for wholesome living conditions of students and programs for their emotional and social development.

Vice President for Alumni and College Relations: Has charge of securing adequate funds for the operation of the College, of disseminating information about the College; and of expanding the circle of friends who are concerned with the welfare and development of the College.