ITAL 10.03 Italian Disaster Narratives
This course gives students a foundational understanding of Italian culture by pursuing a theme from medieval Italy to the present day. The course’s primary aims are to: 1) develop cultural awareness of Italy by studying texts from different media, genres, and periods, 2) increase student mastery of Italian through intensive practice in writing, reading, speaking, and listening, and 3) foster the intellectual skills of textual analysis, critical thinking and self-expression.
This term the theme is disasters, broadly understood and divided into three thematic groups: plague and sickness; invasion and occupation; human and social failure. Authors and artists include Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Galileo, Leopardi, Verga, Puccini, Anna Banti, Rossellini, Clara Sereni, and Marco Paolini.
See department website
Italian 8 or 9 or permission of instructor