Alternative Methods to Complete Degree Requirements

Refer to the Institute website for Institute policies and deadlines governing alternative methods to complete degree requirements. (Listed under “Academic Policies/Transfer Credit Policy; Independent Study Policy; and/or Course Exemption, Credit for Life Experience, and Credit by Exam Policies”)

Alternative methods of completing Nursing degree requirements through transfer credit, credit by examination, course exemption, or independent study apply only to non-clinical classes.

1. Transfer Credits

A maximum of nine (9) credit hours may be transferred from another school for credit toward the degree. For Direct Entry and RN Master’s degree students, these must be graduate credits not utilized from a previously completed degree. No transfer credit will be allowed from institutions or programs that lack appropriate accreditation or for courses for which the student received a grade of less than a B. In order for transfer credits to be allowed, they must have been acquired within 7 years prior to matriculating at the Institute. 

During study at the Institute, students may take approved courses at other colleges and universities, using the following procedure: The student provides a petition and course syllabus to his/her academic advisor for review. The academic advisor, in consultation with the Assistant Dean for the program determines if the course meets requirements for transfer credit. The advisor returns the signed petition to the OSA. 

2. Credit by Examination: (see Course-Replacement-Policies)

A student may obtain a maximum of six (6) credit hours by examination toward the degree. Students with life/work experience related to specific courses may wish to receive credit for courses by taking a special examination.

    1. The student must be matriculated in the programs in the School of Nursing.
    2. The Credit by Exam option will be offered for selected courses, a listing of which is available from the Program Office. 
    3. The student submits a petition form for Credit by Examination no later than two weeks after the course begins.
    4. A non-refundable examination fee of 10% of the course tuition is charged.
    5. The student arranges exam administration with course faculty.
    6. The course faculty returns the signed petition to the OSA. Written notification of the grade is sent to student and advisor within one week of exam administration.
    7. If the exam is not passed, the student must register for the course.
    8. An exam may be taken only once.
3. Course Exemptions

Students who have extensive previous study or experience may request course exemption from non-clinical courses for a maximum of six (6) credit hours. 
    1. The student must be matriculated in the School of Nursing.
    2. The student meets with the academic advisor to discuss intent to exempt a course and with the course faculty to receive direction regarding the materials required to support the course exemption
    3. The course faculty, in consultation with the Program Director ? for the program, determines if the course exemption will be awarded. 
    4. If an exemption is granted, credit will be awarded based on School of Nursing petition review and approval and no fee will be charged for the exempted course(s).
    5. If the student enrolls in a course and then decides to exempt the course, a request to do so must be made to the student's faculty advisor and the course instructor no later than two weeks into the semester. 
    6. Requests for exemption from clinical courses will not be considered.
    7. If an exemption is granted, course credit may be given at the discretion of the SON; The student then is not required to take another course to earn equivalent credit counted toward graduation.

      [Policy updated June 2014]
4. Independent Study (Refer to the Institute 2017-2018 Catalog on the Web site for policies regarding Independent Study) Go to the Registrar’s section on the Web site for Independent Study forms