7.2 Exams

7.2.1. Schedules


Instructors will schedule exams at the start of each semester and will list exam dates in the course syllabus. Exam dates may be changed under extenuating circumstances.

7.2.2. Attendance at Examinations


If a student is unable to attend a written, oral, or practical examination, the student must notify the instructor prior to the exam, when possible. Please see the student Bereavement Policy: https://www.mghihp.edu/sites/default/files/student-bereavement-policy-march-2020.pdf.  A student may be requested to document a valid reason for missing the exam, such as medical emergency, religious holiday, or death in the family. There are times when other extenuating circumstances may prevent exam attendance (e.g., court appearance, conflict due to an obligation requiring the student to represent the IHP at a professional conference). Personal travel arrangements are not considered an acceptable extenuating circumstance.


If, after proper notification the student is approved for a makeup examination, he or she must schedule the exam with the instructor. The format of the exam will be determined by the course faculty. The makeup exam day, time and place are scheduled at the discretion of the course faculty.

7.2.3. In-Class Exams


During in-class examinations, all book bags will be closed with all other personal belongings, including any electronics with the exception of laptops for online exams. Students must remove all items they will need from their book bags prior to the start of the exam.  Students must refrain from talking during the test.  Students should inform faculty if they need to leave the room during the exam to use the rest room.  Only one student will be allowed to leave the room at a time.  Faculty will inform students if they prefer to answer questions at the front of the room or at the student’s seat.  No additional papers should be on the table, desk arm, or chair unless authorized by the instructor. Faculty may impose additional guidelines as needed for a given exam.

7.2.4. Take-Home or Distance Learning Exams


Faculty will provide instructions for the degree of interaction permitted for take-home exams.  If students are expected to work independently, discussion or questions should be directed to the course faculty only.  Discussion should not take place outside of class unless instructions specify otherwise.

7.2.5. Dispute of Exam or Assignment Grades


A student who wishes to question a grade on an exam or assignment must do so within 3 business days of instructor’s review of the exam in class or from the day the assignment is returned. In the case of final examinations, students will have 3 business days from the date of notification of their grade by the course instructor.  Requests for review of a grade must be submitted to the instructor in writing, with documentation supporting the request. The instructor is responsible for responding to the student within 5 business days from receipt of the complaint.   Extenuating circumstances such as semester breaks or temporary unavailability of faculty may necessitate a longer interval between request and resolution. The faculty decision will be final.

7.2.6. Accommodations During Exams, Required Class Activities, and Fieldwork


The MGH Institute of Health Professions is committed to providing equal access for students with disabilities.  Students who feel they may need accommodations for exams, course activities, and fieldwork due to a documented disability should contact the Office of Student and Disability Services at (617) 726-3140 or ihpds@mghihp.edu to set up an appointment.  Detailed information about Accessibility Resources can be found here: https://www.mghihp.edu/overview/accessibility-resources.