6 - Violations of Academic Integrity

The Institute and the AuD program place a high value on intellectual honesty. Likewise, professional integrity in the field of Audiology relies heavily on the foundation of intellectual honesty established during doctoral training. Therefore, violations of academic integrity are considered a very serious matter. The Student Handbook for the Institute states that violations of academic integrity are any forms of “(1) cheating, (2) plagiarism, (3) distortion of materials related to a person's performance, or (4) collusion in another's dishonesty”. These forms of academic dishonesty are defined in more detail in the “Academic Integrity” section under Students’ Rights and Responsibilities in the Institute Catalog.

The policies further state that:

“Any violations of academic integrity that result in a grading penalty or any other formal recommendation for academic or disciplinary action will be reported by the faculty member to the Chair or Director of the student’s program and the Dean of Student and Alumni Services. In the instance of an egregious violation or more than one offense, disciplinary action up to and including dismissal is at the discretion of the department.”