7 - Violations of Professional and Ethical Standards

Because students are members, and therefore representatives, of the IHP community, appropriate professional and ethical behavior is expected of students at all times. This includes interactions with others on campus, at off-campus clinical placements, and any other location where the student represents the Institute. Examples of professional and ethical violations include but are not limited to:

  • Intentional disruption of teaching, research, administration, or any other functions at the Institute.
  • All forms of dishonesty, unauthorized copying of software, providing false information to the Institute, forgery, and any alteration or misuse of Institute ID cards, documents or instruments of identification.
  • Any behavior incompatible with the guidelines for professional and ethical conduct.
  • Any action that endangers the health or safety of self or others.

In response to instances of unprofessional or unethical behavior, one or more of the following actions may be taken: