9.3.3 Referral to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures

If inappropriate behaviors are identified through two or more Notifications of Concern, the student will be automatically referred to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures. Following review, the Committee will provide written notification of remediation requirements or disciplinary actions, with timeline for completion. Disciplinary actions per Institute policy may include suspension or dismissal from the OTD program for repeated or egregious professional behavior incidents. Dismissal of a student for professional behavior issues will follow due process, including written notification and documentation of the infraction(s). Written warnings from the Committee are forwarded to the academic advisor, Department Chair, Program Director, Registrar’s office, and CAPP Committee members.


The Program may terminate a student because of unacceptable conduct, following due process, and written notification and documentation of the infraction. Students have the right to initiate grievance procedures for disciplinary action, according to the processes delineated in the Institute Catalog at https://mghihp.smartcatalogiq.com/current/catalog/