10.6. Failure to Meet Professional Conduct Criteria

When student behaviors do not meet acceptable standards of professional conduct, depending on the nature and severity of the problem and the setting in which it occurs, the following process will be utilized: 

  1. In the academic or clinical setting, course faculty or the faculty advisor may notify the student about inappropriate behaviors with a Notification of Concern (NOC) memo (see Appendix C: Notification of Concern) sent from the faculty member or advisor. The student must then meet with the faculty member(s) who sent the NOC to discuss strategies for remediation and professional development. This meeting must take place within 10 business days of receipt of the Notification. The Program Chair will be copied on all NOCs.
  2. If  inappropriate behaviors are identified through two or more Notifications of Concern or if a single incident is considered egregious, the student will be reviewed by the Student Development Committee. The Committee may require remedial action, may place the student on probation, may result in a delayed clerkship, or may recommend to the Program Chair that the student be dismissed from the Program for repeated or egregious professional conduct incidents. Dismissal of a student for professional conduct issues will follow due process, including written notification, and documentation of the infraction(s). Students have the right to initiate grievance procedures for disciplinary action, according to the processes delineated in the online Institute Catalog.