a. Faculty Performance Review Process

The MGH Institute uses the Mentor application to track faculty accomplishments and work plans. In the spring, each school dean and center director is responsible for developing an internal timeline and communicating it to their respective faculty members to assure that the faculty evaluation process is complete by August 10. The Office of the Provost Intranet contains resources for faculty members and supervisors to make the performance review process supportive of professional growth.

Step 1, Faculty members meet with their supervisors to discuss their completed self-evaluations and prepare the next year’s work plan.
Step 2, Deans approve faculty evaluations, routing to the Office of the Provost for review. 
Step 3, Provost reviews and approves faculty evaluations. The Office of the Provost communicates faculty evaluation scores to the Office of Human Resources.
Step 4, The Office of the Provost sends letters to faculty communicating whether reappointment has been awarded. Academic unit leaders will communicate merit increases to faculty and merit increases are effective October 1.